Student Projects


Students Projects





Created By

  • Reyansh-03


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut abore et dolore magnaMy project is about irrigation system. It water the plant whenever the soil is dry and if we want more water we can do it by sitting in chair because the Bluetooth in the project connects with the system with the help of the app. After connecting you can check the status of the soil and pump the water and turn it off again

About This Project

This project is about lapPiano. We control it using a laptop and arduino connected to it. But the problem is in Serial monitor we have to press enter every time whenever we type a note. I have solved that problem by using PuTTY. You can download PuTTY from The notes are printed in the Serial port. To open putty first open putty then select Serial then write the COM port of arduino then click on open.

Components Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • Speaker : 0.25W, 8 ohms


In this image all the components with the connections are given


Code Of Project

#include "pitches.h"

int C[] = {NOTE_C5};
int CS[] = {NOTE_CS5};
int D[] = {NOTE_D5};
int DS[] = {NOTE_DS5};
int E[] = {NOTE_E5};
int F[] = {NOTE_F5};
int FS[] = {NOTE_FS5};
int G[] = {NOTE_G5};
int GS[] = {NOTE_GS5};
int A[] = {NOTE_A5};
int AS[] = {NOTE_AS5};
int B[] = {NOTE_B5};
int CC[] = {NOTE_C6};
int duration(500);

void setup() {
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT); //Digital Pin 11 is where you connect your Buzzer
  Serial.println("Welcome to the Virtual Keyboard!");
  Serial.println("Notes: A-S-D-F-G-H-J");
  Serial.println("#: Q-W-E-R-T-Y-U");

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available()) {
    char ch =;
    if (ch == 'a') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
      tone(11, C[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'q') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
      tone(11, CS[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 's') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, D[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'w') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, DS[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'd') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, E[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'f') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, F[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'r') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, FS[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'g') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, G[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 't') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, GS[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'h') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, A[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'y') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, AS[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'j') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, B[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'u') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, CC[Note], duration);
Home automation using relay

Home automation using relay

Home automation using relay

Home automation using relay

Created By

  • Roshan Baig

    Roshan Baig

    My name is Roshan, I am 13 years old and I am in 7th standard. My hobbies are horse riding, robotics, and computer programming.

About This Project

Home automation using relay  For my robotics class graduation, I got the idea to do this

Components Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • Power Relay, SPDT
  • PIR Motion Sensor (Genric)
  • Temperature Sensor
  • IR Receiver
  • 6 Pin Gas Sensor
  • LED  Light Bulb, Frosted GLS
  • DC Motor
  • Buzzer, Piezo
  • Resistor 10k ohm
  • 9V battery
  • General Purpose Transistor NPN
  • 1N4007- High Voltage,High Current , Rated Diode
  • Resistor 1k ohm


In this image all the components with the connections are given

Home automation using relay

Code Of Project

// declare integer variables
int PIR = 0;
int temp = 0;
int IR = 0;
int gas = 0;
void setup()
  // declare inputs
  pinMode(6, INPUT);
  pinMode(7, INPUT);
  pinMode(5, INPUT);
  pinMode(4, INPUT);
  // declare outputs
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
  // begin the serial port with a baud rate of 9600
void loop()
  // declare variables
  PIR = digitalRead(4);
  temp = analogRead(5);
  IR = digitalRead(7);
  gas = analogRead(6);
  // if else statements
  if(temp >= 500)
    digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
    Serial.println("fan on");
    digitalWrite(12, LOW);
    Serial.println("fan off");
  if(PIR == 1)
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
    Serial.println("lights on");
     digitalWrite(13, LOW);
    Serial.println("lights off");
  if(gas >= 200)
     digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
    Serial.println("gas leak");
    digitalWrite(10, LOW);
  if( IR == 1)
    digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
    Serial.print("signal received");
    digitalWrite(11, LOW);
  delay(30);// delay 30 milliseconds to let things settle
Bluetooth car

Bluetooth car

Bluetooth car

Bluetooth car

Created By

  • Yash Nilesh Ghunavat1-03

    Yash Ghunavat

    My name is Yash Nilesh Ghunavat. I am 13 years old. I want to become a Robotics Engineer when I grow up. I have made many projects in Mechatron Robotics like Gripper Robot, Bluetooth Control Car, Bluetooth Controlled Light Bulb, Clap to on Light Bulb, Dancing LED etc.

About This Project

Yash Ghunavat

Bluetooth Car is an Arduino based project code for the particular project is written below

this app use to control car

Components Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • DC Motor
  • HC-05 Bluetooth Module
  • af motet driver shild


In this image all the components with the connections are given

Bluetooth car

Code Of Project

//Arduino Bluetooth Controlled Car
//Before uploading the code you have to install the necessary library
//Note - Disconnect the Bluetooth Module before hiting the upload button otherwise you'll get compilation error message.
//AFMotor Library 
//After downloading the library open Arduino IDE >> go to sketch >> Include Libray >> ADD. ZIP Libray >> Select the downloaded 
//ZIP File >> Open it >> Done
//Now You Can Upload the Code without any problem but make sure the bt module isn't connected with Arduino while uploading code

#include <AFMotor.h>

//initial motors pin
AF_DCMotor motor1(1, MOTOR12_1KHZ); 
AF_DCMotor motor2(2, MOTOR12_1KHZ); 
AF_DCMotor motor3(3, MOTOR34_1KHZ);
AF_DCMotor motor4(4, MOTOR34_1KHZ);

char command; 

void setup() 
  Serial.begin(9600);  //Set the baud rate to your Bluetooth module.

void loop(){
  if(Serial.available() > 0){ 
    command =; 
    Stop(); //initialize with motors stoped
    //Change pin mode only if new command is different from previous.   
    case 'F':  
    case 'B':  
    case 'L':  
    case 'R':

void forward()
  motor1.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor clockwise
  motor2.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor clockwise
  motor3.setSpeed(255);//Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor clockwise
  motor4.setSpeed(255);//Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor clockwise

void back()
  motor1.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise
  motor2.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise
  motor3.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise
  motor4.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise

void left()
  motor1.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise
  motor2.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise
  motor3.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity;  //rotate the motor clockwise
  motor4.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity;  //rotate the motor clockwise

void right()
  motor1.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor clockwise
  motor2.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor clockwise
  motor3.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise
  motor4.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise

void Stop()
  motor1.setSpeed(0); //Define minimum velocity; //stop the motor when release the button
  motor2.setSpeed(0); //Define minimum velocity; //rotate the motor clockwise
  motor3.setSpeed(0); //Define minimum velocity; //stop the motor when release the button
  motor4.setSpeed(0); //Define minimum velocity; //stop the motor when release the button
Save me from Cactus

Save me from Cactus

Save me from Cactus

Save me from Cactus

Created By

  • Yadnya Surjekar

    Yadnya Surjekar

    I am Yadnya Surejkar. I am 10 years old. I study in 5th grade. I am interested in Robotics, Coding, Cricket and reading books. My favourite app that I made in Mechatron Robotics is BMI Index Calculator. I am incredibly happy to be a part of Mechatron Robotics.

About This Project

Let us have a look at an interesting ‘Save me from Cactus’ game. You have to save the dog from the Cactus. Press the space key to jump and the left and right keys to move forward and backward. But be careful as you move further, Cactus will start moving with more speed. If they touch you, you will die and the game will be over. Enjoy……!!!!! 

In this project, we have used cactus sprite which has multiple costumes. The cactus will keep on switching the costumes every time it touches the edge and start moving again. ‘If then’ and ‘key pressed’ commands are used to check which button is pressed. “Change x by” and “change y by” commands are used to make the dog jump and to move it back and forth.   

Project Link

Arduino combination lock

Arduino combination lock

Arduino combination lock

Created By

  • Roshan Baig

    Roshan Baig

    My name is Roshan, I am 13 years old and I am in 7th standard. My hobbies are horse riding, robotics, and computer programming.

About This Project

So For my class my teacher gave me a task to make an arduino combination lock on tinkercad.This Project is arduino based project.

Components Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • Alphanumeric LCD 16 X 2
  • Dip / Sip Switch, 6 Circuits
  • SG90 Micro-servo Motor
  • Through Hole Resistor 220 kohm
  • Through Hole Resistor 1 kohm
  • Trimmer Potentiometer, 10 Kohm


In this image all the components with the connections are given

Code Of Project

// include the library code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Servo.h>

// initialize the library by associating any needed LCD interface pin
// with the arduino pin number it is connected to
const int rs = 12, en = 11, d4 = A0, d5 = A1, d6 = A4, d7 = A2;
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);

int switch1 = 2;
int switch2 = 3;
int switch3 = 4;
int switch4 = 5;
int switch5 = 1;
int switch6 = 0;

Servo door;

void setup() {
  // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  //declare inputs
  pinMode(switch1, INPUT);
  pinMode(switch2, INPUT);
  pinMode(switch3, INPUT);
  pinMode(switch4, INPUT);
  pinMode(switch5, INPUT);
  pinMode(switch6, INPUT);
  // set servo motor

void loop() {
  switch1 = digitalRead(2);
  switch2 = digitalRead(3);
  switch3 = digitalRead(4);
  switch4 = digitalRead(5);
  switch6 = digitalRead(1);
  if(switch1 && switch4 && switch6 == HIGH)
    lcd.write("Door not lock");
  } else
    lcd.write("Door locked");
  }for(int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
   if(switch1 != HIGH && switch4 != HIGH && switch6 != HIGH)
     lcd.write("Wait for 5 minutes");
Smart fire protection system for buildings

Smart fire protection system for buildings

Smart fire protection system for buildings

Smart fire protection system for buildings

Created By

  • Yash Nilesh Ghunavat1-03

    Advit Pandey

    I am Advit. I study in class 6. I joined Mechatron Robotics as I like making different kinds of cars, remote control machines. It’s a very fun and engaging activity. The best project I’ve made till now is Smart Fire Protection System.

About This Project

My project Smart fire protection system for buildings is about the safety for people in skyscrapers if there is a fire in the building so the people could be alerted by the piezo and the sprinkler placed in every floor will be turned on to extinguish and the exhaust which also placed at every floor will be turned on to take the out the smoke as well. As we know that if there is smoke in the skyscraper so the visibility is zero so that’s why I have placed a neopixel strip at the exit gate to show the way out and I have used green color for my neopixel LED strip because when there is smoke in the room, green color can effectively be seen and also I have a bulb which will indicate us.I decided to make it because in tall buildings like Burj Khalifa its hard to know where is the fire so the gas sensor will help us in the fire by telling us there is fire somewhere so people could exit quickly and the fire department could quickly come to put off the fire till it spreads the whole building.

My project works like when the fire will reach the gas sensor the piezo will buzz and red light will glow and the bulb will also glow they will indicate everyone in the building that there is fire in the building the exhaust motor and the sprinkler motor will be turned on to extinguish the fire and the exhaust motor will be turned on to take the smoke out of the building. The green neopixel LED strip placed at gate will be turned on to show the way to exit this is how my project works.


Components Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • Gas Detection Sensor, Hydrogen
  • Breadboard
  • Buzzer,Peizo
  • Jumper Wires
  • Alphanumeric Lcd 16 X 2
  • DC Motor
  • RGB Diffused Commom Diode
  • Resistor 220 ohm
  • Through Hole Resistor 10Kohm
  • LED Strp, Neopixel Digital RGB


In this image all the components with the connections are given

Smart fire protection system for buildings

Code Of Project

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13);


const int dinPin = 3;

const int numOfLeds = 16;

Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(numOfLeds, dinPin, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
int Gas_Sensor_Value = 0;
int Gas_sensor = A0;
int Piezo    = 7;
int RGB_red  = 6;
int RGB_green = 5;
int exhaust_motor = 4;
int sprinkler_motor = 2;

void setup() 
  lcd.begin(16, 2); // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
  pinMode(Gas_sensor, INPUT);
  pinMode(Piezo, OUTPUT);
  pinMode( RGB_red, OUTPUT);
  pinMode( RGB_green, OUTPUT);
  pinMode( exhaust_motor,OUTPUT);
void loop() 
   Gas_Sensor_Value = analogRead(A0);

   if( Gas_Sensor_Value >= 700)
  for(int i=0;i<numOfLeds;i++){
  pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(0,255,0));;
    digitalWrite(sprinkler_motor, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(Piezo, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(exhaust_motor, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(RGB_red, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(RGB_green, LOW);
    lcd.print("Burj Khalifa is"); // Print a message to the LCD.
   lcd.print("on fire!");
   digitalWrite( exhaust_motor, LOW);
   digitalWrite(sprinkler_motor, LOW);
   digitalWrite(Piezo,    LOW);
   digitalWrite(RGB_red,  LOW);
   digitalWrite(RGB_green, HIGH);
   lcd.print("Burj Khalifa"); // Print a message to the LCD.
   lcd.print("is Safe"); 
Indian Flag

Indian Flag

Indian Flag

Indian Flag

Created By

  • Yadnya Surjekar

    Yadnya Surjekar

    I am Yadnya Surejkar. I am 10 years old. I study in 5th grade. I am interested in Robotics, Coding, Cricket and reading books. My favourite app that I made in Mechatron Robotics is BMI Index Calculator. I am incredibly happy to be a part of Mechatron Robotics.

About This Project

This project  will draw an Indian flag with the help of pen. It also plays ‘Vande Mataram’ Music in the background while drawing the flag. In this project “Pen” extension of scratch is used. With the help of pen tool, you can make drawings. 

In this project various user defined blocks are used to create the various parts of  flag i.e. green layer, orange layer and Ashok chakra. You will learn to create your own commands or blocks with the help of “My block”. 

Project Link

Snake game

Snake game

Snake game

Snake game

Created By

  • Bhavya Panda

    Bhavya Panda

    I am Bhavya, 10 years old, studying in class 4 of Sri Chaitanya Techno School, Wagholi. I love to ride my cycle and play with my friends. Apart from studies, I like to read story books and to build different miniature structures with Lego blocks. Both courses here at Mechatron Robotics helped me to understand basics of programming. In future I am looking forward to learn Lego robotics.

About This Project

Hello everyone, all of you must be familiar with the snake game which we usually play on a mobile phone. Here I have made the same for you. You can control your snake with arrow keys and you need to eat an apple. But be careful, if snake touches the border of the stage or its own body, you will lose the game. So, Enjoy! 

In this project, the body of the snake is made by creating the clones. Every time you eat the apple, length of your snake will increase. “Touching color” command is used to check if the snake is touching the border or not.  

Project Link

Coronavirus Story

Coronavirus Story

Coronavirus Story

Coronavirus Story

Created By

  • Yadnya Surjekar

    Yadnya Surjekar

    I am Yadnya Surejkar. I am 10 years old. I study in 5th grade. I am interested in Robotics, Coding, Cricket and reading books. My favourite app that I made in Mechatron Robotics is BMI Index Calculator. I am incredibly happy to be a part of Mechatron Robotics.

About This Project

As all of us are going through this COVID pandemic, its being important to follow the safety measure and the rules and regulations. This project is made to create an awareness about the existing coronavirus scenario.  

In this Project Coronavirus Story“Text to speech” extension is used to create the voice. “Say” block is used to make the dialogues visible on the stage. “Switch background to” command is used to change the background. Here “Glide to X and Y” command from motion block is used to make the sprite move from one position to other. 

Project Link

Bubble Shooter

Bubble Shooter

Bubble Shooter

Bubble Shooter

Created By

  • Yadnya Surjekar

    Yadnya Surjekar

    I am Yadnya Surejkar. I am 10 years old. I study in 5th grade. I am interested in Robotics, Coding, Cricket and reading books. My favourite app that I made in Mechatron Robotics is BMI Index Calculator. I am incredibly happy to be a part of Mechatron Robotics.

About This Project

In this project Bubble Shooter there are 40 bubbles in the game. You need to shoot the bubble with the ball. When you shoot all the bubbles, you will win the game. But if the ball falls on the ground before shooting all the bubbles, the game will be over. 

In this project, bubbles are created by using “create clone of myself command”. The paddle is being controlled with the help of mouse pointer. In this project you will learn how to control the sprite with mouse pointer. 

Project Link
