Coronavirus Story

Students Projects



Coronavirus Story

Coronavirus Story

Created By

  • Yadnya Surjekar

    Yadnya Surjekar

    I am Yadnya Surejkar. I am 10 years old. I study in 5th grade. I am interested in Robotics, Coding, Cricket and reading books. My favourite app that I made in Mechatron Robotics is BMI Index Calculator. I am incredibly happy to be a part of Mechatron Robotics.

About This Project

As all of us are going through this COVID pandemic, its being important to follow the safety measure and the rules and regulations. This project is made to create an awareness about the existing coronavirus scenario.  

In this Project Coronavirus Story“Text to speech” extension is used to create the voice. “Say” block is used to make the dialogues visible on the stage. “Switch background to” command is used to change the background. Here “Glide to X and Y” command from motion block is used to make the sprite move from one position to other. 

Project Link
