
Why Learning App & Game Development is Important for Your Kid

Why Learning App & Game Development is Important for Your Kid

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Why Learning App & Game Development is Important for Your Kid

Why Learning App & Game Development is Important for Your Kid

Megha Sutar | October 20, 2021

How Programming can improve Problem Solving Approach of your Child? 

Why Learning App & Game Development is Important for Your Kid? Today, most of the kids are taking interest in the technology and the Apps and Games are really grabbing the attention of kids. They are wondering about the process and technique to create this apps and games. 

Let’s Explore More: 

  • Hands on Experience In Coding: 

By learning App and Game Development, kids get hands on experience of Coding. As it involves Trial and error, they can create and see the result immediately. 

  • Improvement In Logic and Reasoning Skills 

As this process coding and programming skills, study showed the tremendous improvement in the Logic, Reasoning and Critical Thinking skills in the Children. 

  • Improves Programming Skills:  

This is the great way to introduce your child to the Programming Languages. Because in App and Game Development, children can visualize the code which they wrote so it helps them to find programming more interesting this way. 

  • Get rid of the fear of Math and Science: 

It increases the Logical and Computational thinking of the child and thereby gives a new passion for build the amazing apps and games, which ultimately results in getting rid of fear of Math and Science. 

  • Ready For Future Opportunities: 

As we know, world is moving towards Technology and there is vast opportunity for your child in future but for that they must get appropriate training of what is about to come. 


  1. App that counts the number of steps taken in a day 
  2. SOS app so that anyone in danger can ask for help 
  3.  QR code scanner app 
  4. Navigation apps 
  5. Messaging app 
  6. Apps that can measure the ambient air pressure 
  7. Planner app like Date Picker 
  8. App that can measure the light intensity 
  9. Spinner 

Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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Engineers are made at College or at Work Place?

Engineers are made at College or at Work Place?

Engineers are made at College or at Work Place?

Engineers are made at College or at Work Place?

Banwas Nayak | August 03, 2021

Today we want to discuss the real definition of an engineering degree or in other words when a person really becomes as an engineer. It’s true that as soon as you graduate from the engineering college, you are liable to be called as an Engineer.

But what is an Engineer. Dreamer. Innovator. Researcher. Problem Solver. Inventor. Creator. All are terms that aptly describe the characteristics of an engineer. An engineer is a person who solves a problem, who finds a solution to any given scenario. But are we really ready for finding a solution as soon as we pass out from a college. How much of the education that we get in the college we are able to implement in our daily work. Some may argue that the education model of our engineering colleges are made to groom a student to understand the practical approach or to make the student prepare the corporate world. But how is that helping an engineer to get accustomed to the corporate world without even knowing what all happens in a corporate world. The only thing we get used to is to be in formal all 5 days of the week.

college Education or Relevant Experience

Engineers are made at College or at Work Place? Graduating from college is not a guarantee of landing a job immediately. You also need experience in your desired field. So, which one is more important; education or experience? Is having experience enough for you to land your dream job without a bachelor’s degree? Or do you certainly require a bachelor’s degree with good academic grades? How about getting experienced while getting the education. Just imagine 4 years of College imparts education on the technologies that are in demand in the outside world and which are a definite guarantee for a successful career once you step into the professional life.

Coding is not everything
We hardly know what all job roles are there in a corporate world. What we know is that we have to code once we enter into corporate, hardly knowing that how many engineers actually get to code. The focus on code has left a potentially bigger opportunity largely unexplored. In the past, people were educated, and learned job skills, and that was enough for a lifetime. Now, with technology changing rapidly and new job areas emerging and transforming constantly, that’s no longer the case. We need to focus on making lightweight, continuous education widely available. This is just as crucial to making sure that everyone can find opportunities in the future workplace.

Life other than Coding
Yes, there is life other than coding. There are so many roles that a person choose to excel in the life. For instance we have a very faint idea as how good a testing role cane be. How many tools are there for testing? Manual testing Vs Automated testing >> which is good and when? What are the certifications that can help a person to be a good tester? Similarly other than the testing role, there are many other roles that are equally important for a successful running of a project in an IT world.

Think about it, if a student knows how to test may be regression testing or unit acceptance testing at the college level, the student would be directly ready to be fit into a project in any company the student goes to. The company does not have to spend money or time to engage the new employee for the training. This saves money for the Company, gives confidence to the employee as he/she is directly involved and feels important. So a college can provide a graduate as a ready to work employee and help a company for the profit, in turn the company recruits more form the same college owing to the greater talent pool. So this is how going forward it should be.

Think about it, if a student knows how to test may be regression testing or unit acceptance testing at the college level, the student would be directly ready to be fit into a project in any company the student goes to. The company does not have to spend money or time to engage the new employee for the training. This saves money for the Company, gives confidence to the employee as he/she is directly involved and feels important. So a college can provide a graduate as a ready to work employee and help a company for the profit, in turn the company recruits more form the same college owing to the greater talent pool. So this is how going forward it should be.
Change is the Constant feature. It’s the Necessity
The college syllabus does not change. It’s the same 5 subjects per semester for every batch every year. No serious engagement between education providers and employers. The Company-College partnership or engagement should happen regularly. The college should know what technologies are the most demanding, what are the skills that the companies are looking. In turn the company should have lectures in college and creating awareness amongst students as what is required as of now.
In the real world scenario technologies are changing constantly. Access database got replaced by Oracle DB as more preferred one. Scripting languages like Python are there. CRM getting replaced by Cloud.SO many testing tools are there now, one of them being Selenium.
Now a days, be it Oracle Cloud or Amazon AWS or SAP or others are competing rigorously for the Cloud technology. But are the engineering colleges having a practical subject as what is Cloud and how it is replacing the existing resource. How Big data is the next BIG thing.
Students shell out extra money after colleges to get trained in all these things so that they get placed. Why not these are part of the college curriculum. Instead of the subjects which are just theoretical and have no implications to the student for the outside world should be replaced with the technology that is in demand.
A Scenario to imagine
Just think a company collaborates with a college. To put it easy a software company conducts a workshop. They come up as clients and ask for a project to be made. The project is Online Food Ordering System. Now the students are divided as per different vendors and the best software to be selected. Each batch has one Business Analyst, few developers, few testers, one or two content writers, few Sales people and it goes on. So each batch represents one vendor. Now before anything the students are taught the roles of Business Analyst, which testing tool to be used and the knowledge about it, code to be written in which all languages and so on. So the workshop has to be for a duration of 6 months at least in which first the technologies and tools to be used are taught and then the software development begins.
This will in a way show the students what the real scenario is and what they need to take up as per their liking. They can understand what their strengths are and what the expectation from them is. Obviously continuous feedback should be there from the faculty and company representatives. This helps to know the real situation.
Ready to Change
Just like we got to a restaurant and see a juice list and we find one as SEASONAL JUICE. Similarly Colleges should have that concept of having a technology class and provide the knowledge as per the market scenario is. Yes of course, the Companies also have a role to do in this. That is why the College-Company Partnership plays a vital role here. Similarly the others disciplines of engineering should practice the same way. Nowadays Automation is the burning topic everywhere. But how to automate. What are the technologies used, how the machines are configured. Robotics, machine Automation are the demand for today.
Even in Cricket batsmen are innovating their shots as per today’s scenario. Earlier days we never saw any dilscoop or upper cut, but with the time changing batsmen innovated shots.
When this can happen then why not the education system can change and be innovative. TIME TO THINK….


Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

Does Our Education System Prepare Us Well For a Better Life ?

Does Our Education System Prepare Us Well For a Better Life ?

Does Our Education System Prepare Us Well For a Better Life ?

Rajesh Sharma | May 27, 2021

A common question to all my readers ; Does our Education system prepare us well for practical life ? Does a student from prestigious colleges like IITs/IIMs know how to face catastrophic situations in life? Does it teach us how to be patient and calm in critical situations?

According to Gandhi, education should teach a person at least one skill which makes him/her independent in life. Job oriented education is the need of the hour. Several govt. bodies like wardha commission and kothari commission recommended job oriented education however due to its late implementation, unemployment among youth was at peak.

Does Our Education System Prepare Us Well For a Better Life ? The current education system demands practical approach to subjects rather than only theory. It is required to provide Hands on experience of the theoretical concepts. Practical project based approach not only helps a student apply the theory, it also develops the problem solving skills among students. The stereotype theoretical education methodologies needs a change to prepare children for the future. Students need to be motivated to do physical exercises and play outdoor sports rather than playing games on cell phones and computers.

I have taken some basic examples on how the Learning by Doing can be implemented. Addition and subtraction shall be taught to the students by taking them to markets and not merely solving word problems in class. Concept of litres and mililitres can be taught at petrol pump while refuelling vehicles. Topics of electricity and heat can be taught with real life examples such as Battery connections for making a LED glow. A small child understands about heat only when he touches the burning candle for the first time. There is also a need to appreciate mistakes by students rather than making is shameful. The fear of shame doesn’t allow a child to experiment and unleash his creativity.

I would quote a line by Mahatma Gandhi “Education is drawing out best from man”. Skilled Education is the demand of our Indian Education system. We have smart phone but we don’t have the required skills to repair it. Our youth wants to become engineers and doctors but no one wants to be teachers. This is the irony of our education system. How can we produce Best brains if we can’t produce good teachers ?
Our education should teach us to “believe in ourselves”

The word education for many in India is to merely get degrees & certificates rather than learning and acquiring knowledge. Don’t we have enough skills to manufacture the finest machines, Robots and automation technology . Why do still in 21st century we work with jugaad technology. Why don’t we have research oriented higher education where students who are really interested in academics can apply. Education should be more than collecting degrees and job placements.

Students at school level should be guided for suitable career according to their aptitude. Various Research studies conducted in the last 10 years show that India still produces highest number of engineers and MBAs who mostly end up doing jobs not related to their field of study. Why cant parents show more confidence in their child to allow him to choose a career of his passion and interest. Comparing to the world statistics , we still lack behind in producing artist, musicians, sportsman, etc. Why can’t an artist, a musician and a dancer excel without the basic class tenth certificate? Why don’t we promote a child who is good in sports to become a sportsman without giving him the stress of examinations? These are some of the questions everyone of us should think and respond to.

We need to get out of the examination system of our education and focus on character building. We need aptitude based education. We need education for leading good life for enjoying life. Our education today gives us stress but doesn’t teach us how to cope with it. Our students don’t know how to handle failure. Our education doesn’t teach us how to handle the cut throat competition and critical situations. Depression among the young students is growing And that is why the suicide rates is maximum in India which reaches its peak during exams. Gandhi’s India needs to learn the lesson of ahimsa. However its not the responsibility of only the government to change this, we all must stood up and contribute our bit to change the education system for the betterment of our future generations.

Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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