Contactless Door opening system
Created By
Krish Chauhan
I am a 9th class student who loves programming and is interested in technology. I also love to solve logical and math problems.
About This Project
Hello friends, This is the first time I am posting a project on Arduino Project Hub.
My name is Krish Chauhan, I am 11 years old. I am student of MECHATRON ROBOTICS, New Delhi. I have completed a course on Arduino and Electronics in just 2 months. I have learned this new skill during this quarantine period. I have always been fascinated towards the field of electronics and automation. I have made a project using Arduino which will help people prevent the further spread of COVID-19 Virus. This project can be used to open door automatically from a distance of 1 metre. We can also use this project to turn ON or OFF the switches at our home and offices.
Contactless Door opening system uses an ultrasonic sensor which can measure the distance between objects, we can use this functionality to rotate a servo motor to open a door or turn ON a switch. We can also use a DC Pump to take out sanitizer from a bottle. This project will only cost around 900 INR, but surely can save you and your family from this deadly virus.
I desire to contribute something big and useful to this world. I am still at a very early age of learning. Looking for more ideas from Arduino Project Hub.
Thanks Everyone !
Stay Safe and Happy.
Components Required
- Arduino UNO
- Ultrasonic Sensor
- SG90 Micro-Servo Motor
- Buzzer
- Jumper Wires
- 9V 1A switching Wall Supply
In this image all the components with the connections are given
Code Of Project
int cm;
int time;
int e;
Servo krish;
void setup()
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(12, INPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
//this will help people to open doors without touch
// price 500 for the arduino uno r3
// price 300 for the servo motor
// price 200 for the ultrasonic sensor
// price 121 for the breadboard
// total 1121
void loop()
long Distance;
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
pinMode(12, INPUT);
time = pulseIn(12, HIGH);
cm = q (time);
if(cm < 100)
krish.write (90);
krish.write (0);
e += 1 ;
e = 0;
long q (long w)
return w /2/29;