
How are Bio-Robo Inter Limb Cordination in Prosthetics Improving Human Lives?

How are bio-robo inter limb coordination in prosthetics improving human lives?

Students Projects



How are Bio-Robo Inter Limb Cordination in Prosthetics Improving Human Lives?

How are Bio-Robo Inter Limb Cordination in Prosthetics Improving Human Lives?

Aarnav Maitreya | March 03, 2021

Think about a person who is a chef or a sculptor or a painter who lost his/her arm in an accident or a nature lover who loves roaming through the fields & gardens on bright sunny mornings whose foot had to be amputated because of gangrene. How devastated would these people be in life after such a loss which endangers their professional life or their hobbies? Think about a daily wage earner who works in a factory with heavy and risky equipment like a lathe machine, how would his life turn out to be without a limb? Hell! Even the loss of a single finger or a toe would be devastating for any normal person, let alone a leg or an arm. Thus a few decades back, science came up with a concept known as prosthetics which is a term which we are familiar with. Prosthetics, we can all agree, to some extent have helped such people lead a comparatively better life with a false arm or leg instead of no arm or leg at all & to be fair, prosthetics have curbed the extent of disability amongst people who suffered a loss of their body part or people who were born disabled

However, the chef who lost an arm wouldn’t be satisfied with a normal prosthetic limb as it won’t be sufficient to pick up an egg and crack it. Similarly, a painter won’t be satisfied with a routine prosthetic arm as it won’t allow him/her to pick up a brush and stroke it steadily on a canvas and that might ruin the painting. So, even though normal prosthetics are better than having absolutely nothing, they are not good enough. Thus necessity took its course and scientists came up with a Bio-Robo coordinated concept of prosthetics. How are Bio-Robo Inter Limb Cordination in Prosthetics Improving Human Lives? Bio-medical engineers of various universities in the US are making such prosthetics which can move with the thoughts of the amputees and the person will even be able to feel a sensation of touch via a network of electrodes implanted in the muscles of the patient. The University of Utah in the US came up with the first of such prosthetics which turned out to be successful. Now imagine the situation, the patient could control the robo arm with just his will power and thought process and just like a normal person’s arm, the robo hand would know how to pick up an egg without squeezing too hard or how to stroke a brush on a canvas without spilling too much paint on it. So even though we can bet that such an arm won’t be as good as the original arms we are born with, these kind of robo-prosthetics are the best chance the amputees have got. We can all agree that people like these need more accuracy and precision rather than just an arm right? 

The complex mathematical algorithms which connect the robotic arm with the senses of the person via an array of electrodes make the prosthetic almost as good as a regular human limb. However, what do we need to do in order to increase the number of such prosthetics? Research need more researchers, more Bio-Med engineers, more mathematicians and for that more and more sections of the youth need to be made aware of such possibilities in the future. Can’t we raise this awareness to put more smiles on the faces of patients like Nigel Ackland who lost his limb in an accident and has now become an example of what biomedical prosthetics can do?

Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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India Needs AI in the Classroom

India Needs AI in the Classroom

India Needs AI in the Classroom

India Needs AI in the Classroom

Tahreem Jamadar | February 18, 2021

For the uninitiated, the Webster dictionary defines artificial intelligence (AI), the word buzzing like a bee of overdue, as the capability of a device to replicate clever human behaviour. The concept is exactly like what the technology fiction movies have portrayed considering a long time, of a device that can analyse, think, act for this reason and aid people (although in a variety of movies they turn out to be villainous). 

In the ultimate half-a-decade, leaps in AI had been made with its utility in huge ranging regions. Education is, albeit slowly, coming underneath the ambit of sectors so one can be significantly affected (disrupted, if you may) by using AI in near future. 

India Needs AI in the Classroom  as AI has certainly turn out to be an element of our ordinary lives despite the fact that the term is not used frequently. The face reputation digital camera sensor, the Amazon or Flipkart seek and concept, non-public assistants on smartphone, self-using motors by using Google are all examples of AI which might be around us, some deeply ingrained, some on trial, and lots of greater futuristic. 

In training, and I shall stick to higher training specifically, AI holds a variety of ability to deal with a few key issues that have disturbed it. 

Firstly, at the crux of training lies the truth that perfect gaining knowledge of takes place on a one-to-one basis. While it could be desirable, it is not viable. 

Acute shortage and poor quality of instructors are well known problems, specifically in a country like India. AI can fill this gap by way of being personal instructors for each of the students. Like any new era its accessibility is connected to scalability, however then current AI models in different fields suggests it’s miles workable. While Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) have existed due to the fact 1970’s, the personalisation power is being driven by AI. 

Secondly, the problem that grips better training in India is that of terrible employability standard of graduates. Reports have pegged the percentage of unemployability from 50 percent to a disturbing 80 percent. 

AI can assist in skilling, thereby addressing this urgent difficulty. AI can help find existing core abilities of people and match with required abilities and foster it. AI systems can provide for a good deal not noted domain (skills) schooling by way of providing actual-lifestyles eventualities and simulations. 

Thirdly, the largely previous curricula in higher training may be remodelled with AI. 

A seamless enterprise-academia curriculum or a studies-academia curriculum may be put in region the use of AI. It will rely upon big records from the above sectors, chart developments, and the use of analytics come with a practicable, sensible and importantly personalized (depending on strengths of institutions and universities) curriculums. Needless to mention, our archaic regulatory bodies need to upgrade themselves to in shape advances in AI. 

AI can also help streamline and bring to song a research subculture that is redundant, many times bogus and does no longer further any knowledge or reason. Researchers work in areas typically due to outside factors guiding them into it instead of private hobby. 

AI can do SWOT analysis of potential researchers and studies labs, fit it with grants (thereby even assisting supply corporations no longer indulging in random, prompted and politically inspired allotments) and play a crucial role in designing research. 

 Also, AI may be of assistance to teachers. 

Technology-based education is set to emerge as a mainstay despite the opposition and resistance from the antique school. While the World Economic Forum has expected that automation will pressure 50 lakh human beings out of jobs by way of 2020, AI replacing teachers won’t be a truth each time quickly. 

AI can result in collaboration like no other. Artificial intelligence systems for higher education could convey together instructors, psychologists, social psychologists, educationists, human computer interaction specialists and software program experts among others. The instructor going to the history and acting as a mentor and facilitator is gaining prominence, and AI can only assist similarly it. 

A lot of studies are on inside the subject of AI. It is slated to develop exponentially. 

Currently in AI, natural language processing with speech recognition generation or in simple words the machine expertise the regular language and other slicing edge generation like growing a ‘human thoughts’ that mimics our complex neural machine is on. 

However, its software in training is in infancy and Big Data, analytics, socio cognitive perspectives, personalisation, theories of mastering could be regions, work on so that you can usher the AI generation in education. 

Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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Save me from Cactus

Save me from Cactus

Save me from Cactus

Save me from Cactus

Created By

  • Yadnya Surjekar

    Yadnya Surjekar

    I am Yadnya Surejkar. I am 10 years old. I study in 5th grade. I am interested in Robotics, Coding, Cricket and reading books. My favourite app that I made in Mechatron Robotics is BMI Index Calculator. I am incredibly happy to be a part of Mechatron Robotics.

About This Project

Let us have a look at an interesting ‘Save me from Cactus’ game. You have to save the dog from the Cactus. Press the space key to jump and the left and right keys to move forward and backward. But be careful as you move further, Cactus will start moving with more speed. If they touch you, you will die and the game will be over. Enjoy……!!!!! 

In this project, we have used cactus sprite which has multiple costumes. The cactus will keep on switching the costumes every time it touches the edge and start moving again. ‘If then’ and ‘key pressed’ commands are used to check which button is pressed. “Change x by” and “change y by” commands are used to make the dog jump and to move it back and forth.   

Project Link

Arduino combination lock

Arduino combination lock

Arduino combination lock

Created By

  • Roshan Baig

    Roshan Baig

    My name is Roshan, I am 13 years old and I am in 7th standard. My hobbies are horse riding, robotics, and computer programming.

About This Project

So For my class my teacher gave me a task to make an arduino combination lock on tinkercad.This Project is arduino based project.

Components Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • Alphanumeric LCD 16 X 2
  • Dip / Sip Switch, 6 Circuits
  • SG90 Micro-servo Motor
  • Through Hole Resistor 220 kohm
  • Through Hole Resistor 1 kohm
  • Trimmer Potentiometer, 10 Kohm


In this image all the components with the connections are given

Code Of Project

// include the library code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Servo.h>

// initialize the library by associating any needed LCD interface pin
// with the arduino pin number it is connected to
const int rs = 12, en = 11, d4 = A0, d5 = A1, d6 = A4, d7 = A2;
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);

int switch1 = 2;
int switch2 = 3;
int switch3 = 4;
int switch4 = 5;
int switch5 = 1;
int switch6 = 0;

Servo door;

void setup() {
  // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  //declare inputs
  pinMode(switch1, INPUT);
  pinMode(switch2, INPUT);
  pinMode(switch3, INPUT);
  pinMode(switch4, INPUT);
  pinMode(switch5, INPUT);
  pinMode(switch6, INPUT);
  // set servo motor

void loop() {
  switch1 = digitalRead(2);
  switch2 = digitalRead(3);
  switch3 = digitalRead(4);
  switch4 = digitalRead(5);
  switch6 = digitalRead(1);
  if(switch1 && switch4 && switch6 == HIGH)
    lcd.write("Door not lock");
  } else
    lcd.write("Door locked");
  }for(int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
   if(switch1 != HIGH && switch4 != HIGH && switch6 != HIGH)
     lcd.write("Wait for 5 minutes");
Robotics: Building the Roadmap for tomorrow’s Digital Workforce

Robotics: Building the roadmap for tomorrow’s Digital Workforce

Robotics: Building the Roadmap for tomorrow’s Digital Workforce

Robotics: Building the Roadmap for tomorrow’s Digital Workforce

Pranoti Ghirnikar | January 30, 2021

Q1) What do you mean by Digital Workforce? 

Digital Workforce means a variety of robotic and automated solutions for driving productivity efficiencies in the workplace. Some of these are in the early stages of development while others are in the maturity or undergoing process. In most cases, the digital workforce will not be a physical body of a digital worker. Rather a virtual robot that will be either working in the background or operated by consumers and co-workers through a command-based interface

Q2) How digital workforce can be set-up for Businesses and Customers? 

For Robotics: Building the Roadmap for tomorrow’s Digital Workforce: Robotics Process Automation (RPA) has allowed reductions in headcount in high manual and cost intensive process. For Customers: Chat function on instant messaging (IM) or through website they may be exposed to robotics 

The introduction of digital workforce is likely to divide into steps like 

  1. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 
  2. Cognitive Computing 
  3. Artificial Intelligence 

Digital Workforce employs the largest number of certified RPA consultants with experience in process automation. IRPA AI can help to navigate the rapidly changing landscape of automation solutions. Automated processes in the remote management of IT infrastructures can consistently investigate and solve problems for faster process throughput. RPA can improve service desk operations and the monitoring of network devices. 

Q3) How to enable the modern workforce: – 

Company are recently expanded its vision and product portfolio to support what it calls the truly modern workforce. The company now offers a dozen different applications that support many types of processes using AI algorithms to support each unique workflow. The employee workflow begins on day one on the job, streamlining and simplifying processes like managing payroll, inputting insurance data, and requesting help from IT. From that day on, the solution supports the employee experience by providing a modern, digital workflow that offers functionality using AI and machine learning (ML) capabilities to provide tools like chatbots, virtual agents, and performance analytics—all of which add to the company’s longer-term margins. Company’s AI product roadmap, mobile experience, platform innovations and agent dashboards are key focus areas as it strives to drive employee engagement, retention, and productivity with rewarding emotional experiences. 

The Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a new wave of the future technologies. Robotic Process Automation is one of the most advanced technologies in the area of computers science, electronic and communications, mechanical engineering and information technology. It is a combination of both hardware and software, networking and automation for doing things very simple. 

To put in the right place of RPA in business operations, their many allied technologies are working at the background level, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, data analytics, HR analytics, virtual reality (second life), home automation, blockchain technologies, 4D printing etc. 

Cognitive computing is the use of computerized models to simulate the human thought process in complex situations where the answers may be uncertain. Cognitive computing overlaps with AI and involves many of the same underlying technologies to power cognitive applications, including expert systems, neural networks, robotics and virtual reality (VR). 


Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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Engaging Children in STEM Education early through robotics!!!

Engaging Children in STEM Education early through robotics!!!

Engaging Children in STEM Education early through robotics!!!

Angshuman Das | January 22, 2021

What’s your child’s favorite class in the school? The common responses that we receive are games class, music class etc. Though these classes have their own benefits but science, math and other STEM-related subjects are not often cited as favorites. Changing how children feel about STEM can make a world of difference as they move through primary school and into middle school, high school and college.

What is STEM?

Before we dive too far into how to get children’s interest in STEM, it’s important to define what it is. STEM is a buzzword that gets tossed around a lot, but some parents and children may not fully understand what it means.

STEM is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. But I would like to think of STEM as much more than an acronym. STEM really is a philosophy. STEM is a critical way of thinking about how teachers at all levels—including parents—should be helping students incorporate knowledge across disciplines, encouraging them to think in a more connected and universal way. All children has math and science classes in School. They may even have an occasional technology class at the primary level. But STEM isn’t essentially one specific theme, degree or education program. General STEM concepts are often included in the primary curriculum, although technology and engineering concepts are often severely

 Engaging Children in STEM Education early through robotics!!!

During the initial years of early childhood, children need a playful and real way to engage with the technology and engineering concepts of their STEM development. Various robotics and computer programming initiatives are quickly growing in popularity among early childhood researchers and teachers as an appropriate way to meet this demand. Here are five reasons why robotics and coding can greatly benefit learning and development for children ages four years and above.

⦁   Improved Cognitive, Fine Motor, and Social Development:  Recent research has shown that when robotics is introduced in primary school classrooms, children’s early development is stimulated in ways that can’t be duplicated through other techniques. Working with robots gets children moving and improve their thought process, even as they engage with engineering and programming. Movement and play are especially critical for education in early childhood.

⦁   New Opportunities for Creative and Critical Thinking: When children experiment and engage with robotics, they transform from children into engineers and storytellers. While playing with motors and sensors or creating personally significant projects that react to their environment, these children are unlocking their imaginations and their problem-solving potential. Through simple commands, young students can see their story come to life through their programming. It’s very powerful for developing their understanding of principles as well as the complete engineering design process.

⦁  Safe Introduction to Technology domain: We live in an digital world, one that can sometimes feel daunting to all parents concerned about their young children’s interaction with technology. By presenting the capabilities of coding and programming through approachable and engaging robotics, educators can feel secure that they’re building a positive connection between their students and the technology of their modern world.

Finally, Robotics help and encourage our children to know more about STEM concepts. STEM activities aren’t so much about planning lots of tasks that require specific materials and processes; it is more about developing learning habits of inquiry and critical thinking skills. The sooner a child is introduce to the world of Robotics, the sooner a child will begin to ask their questions and draw their conclusions. As we enter the next industrial and technological revolution, our children’s education must be tailored to keep up with the times.


Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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Smart fire protection system for buildings

Smart fire protection system for buildings

Smart fire protection system for buildings

Smart fire protection system for buildings

Created By

  • Yash Nilesh Ghunavat1-03

    Advit Pandey

    I am Advit. I study in class 6. I joined Mechatron Robotics as I like making different kinds of cars, remote control machines. It’s a very fun and engaging activity. The best project I’ve made till now is Smart Fire Protection System.

About This Project

My project Smart fire protection system for buildings is about the safety for people in skyscrapers if there is a fire in the building so the people could be alerted by the piezo and the sprinkler placed in every floor will be turned on to extinguish and the exhaust which also placed at every floor will be turned on to take the out the smoke as well. As we know that if there is smoke in the skyscraper so the visibility is zero so that’s why I have placed a neopixel strip at the exit gate to show the way out and I have used green color for my neopixel LED strip because when there is smoke in the room, green color can effectively be seen and also I have a bulb which will indicate us.I decided to make it because in tall buildings like Burj Khalifa its hard to know where is the fire so the gas sensor will help us in the fire by telling us there is fire somewhere so people could exit quickly and the fire department could quickly come to put off the fire till it spreads the whole building.

My project works like when the fire will reach the gas sensor the piezo will buzz and red light will glow and the bulb will also glow they will indicate everyone in the building that there is fire in the building the exhaust motor and the sprinkler motor will be turned on to extinguish the fire and the exhaust motor will be turned on to take the smoke out of the building. The green neopixel LED strip placed at gate will be turned on to show the way to exit this is how my project works.


Components Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • Gas Detection Sensor, Hydrogen
  • Breadboard
  • Buzzer,Peizo
  • Jumper Wires
  • Alphanumeric Lcd 16 X 2
  • DC Motor
  • RGB Diffused Commom Diode
  • Resistor 220 ohm
  • Through Hole Resistor 10Kohm
  • LED Strp, Neopixel Digital RGB


In this image all the components with the connections are given

Smart fire protection system for buildings

Code Of Project

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13);


const int dinPin = 3;

const int numOfLeds = 16;

Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(numOfLeds, dinPin, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
int Gas_Sensor_Value = 0;
int Gas_sensor = A0;
int Piezo    = 7;
int RGB_red  = 6;
int RGB_green = 5;
int exhaust_motor = 4;
int sprinkler_motor = 2;

void setup() 
  lcd.begin(16, 2); // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
  pinMode(Gas_sensor, INPUT);
  pinMode(Piezo, OUTPUT);
  pinMode( RGB_red, OUTPUT);
  pinMode( RGB_green, OUTPUT);
  pinMode( exhaust_motor,OUTPUT);
void loop() 
   Gas_Sensor_Value = analogRead(A0);

   if( Gas_Sensor_Value >= 700)
  for(int i=0;i<numOfLeds;i++){
  pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(0,255,0));;
    digitalWrite(sprinkler_motor, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(Piezo, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(exhaust_motor, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(RGB_red, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(RGB_green, LOW);
    lcd.print("Burj Khalifa is"); // Print a message to the LCD.
   lcd.print("on fire!");
   digitalWrite( exhaust_motor, LOW);
   digitalWrite(sprinkler_motor, LOW);
   digitalWrite(Piezo,    LOW);
   digitalWrite(RGB_red,  LOW);
   digitalWrite(RGB_green, HIGH);
   lcd.print("Burj Khalifa"); // Print a message to the LCD.
   lcd.print("is Safe"); 
Does Our Education System Need to Upgrade to Education 4.0 ?

Does our education system need to upgrade to Education 4.0 ?

Does Our Education System Need to Upgrade to Education 4.0 ?

Does Our Education System Need to Upgrade to Education 4.0 ?

Siddhartha Kumar | December 09, 2020

Education 4.0 is being termed as the education system aligned with Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 is a name of the current trend of automation where manufacturing technologies would be connected through cyber systems, Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IOT).

Before we understand Education 4.0 it would be important to understand the emergence of Industry revolution:

Industry 1.0: (1784): Industrial revolution where the machine and equipment were driven by water and steam power.
Industry 2.0: (1870): Industrial revolution where electrically powered mass production was introduced based on the division of labor
Industry 3.0 (1969): Industrial revolution where electronics and IT was used to automate production.
Industry 4.0 (today): Industrial revolution based on the use of cyber-physical systems.

Industry 4.0 is being termed as the smart factory however do we have an education system and people to cope with this so called “Smart Factory” ?

Does Our Education System Need to Upgrade to Education 4.0 ?
The current technologies, jobs, social media, machines, cars, etc are dominated by artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, Robotics, 3D Printing, nano-technology, quantum computing and Internet of Things (IOT) where we are empowering machines and robots to do our job. These things are evolving at an exponential rate. Is this right or wrong for our coming generation? Its good for us, if we use the human brain more in developing resources to save the environment, automatic cars to prevent accidents, home automation to save electricity, auto defence mechanism to prevent anti social activities. The list is non-exhaustive.

To cope wit the technological revolution we need Education 4.0 with a robust education system to prepare the children for the world which is existing around us. We let our child play with android phones, can we build a platform around them where they are the creators instead of users and make android applications rather than merely play with them. Schools teach mathematics, trigonometry etc to the student, can they also teach how to use them in making models and 3D objects ? Education 4.0 is not about using the internet for accessing information but to control and create things using the power of Internet.


Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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Indian Flag

Indian Flag

Indian Flag

Indian Flag

Created By

  • Yadnya Surjekar

    Yadnya Surjekar

    I am Yadnya Surejkar. I am 10 years old. I study in 5th grade. I am interested in Robotics, Coding, Cricket and reading books. My favourite app that I made in Mechatron Robotics is BMI Index Calculator. I am incredibly happy to be a part of Mechatron Robotics.

About This Project

This project  will draw an Indian flag with the help of pen. It also plays ‘Vande Mataram’ Music in the background while drawing the flag. In this project “Pen” extension of scratch is used. With the help of pen tool, you can make drawings. 

In this project various user defined blocks are used to create the various parts of  flag i.e. green layer, orange layer and Ashok chakra. You will learn to create your own commands or blocks with the help of “My block”. 

Project Link

How VR and Robotics can Work Together?

How VR and Robotics can work together?

How VR and Robotics can Work Together?

How VR and Robotics can Work Together?

Vikash Sharma | December 5, 2020

The robotics industry around the world is steadily gaining momentum and the applications of robotic technology are being paired with several innovative technologies is creating solutions to many real-world problems. The convergence of robotics with other industries is nowhere better seen than with augmented reality and virtual reality. 

 What actually is Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality? 

 Augmented reality or AR, is the alliance of digital information with the user’s environment in real-time.VR is a computer simulation of a 3D environment that will allow a user to function within them, such as moving around and building objects in virtual worlds. The difference between Augmented reality and Virtual reality is that virtual reality creates an unreal and man-made environment whereas augmented reality uses the currently existing environment and superimposes new information on top of it. 

 How AR & VR be converged with robotics? 

 As AR and VR converge with robotics, one important aspect where this hybrid technology can be applied is the manufacturing industry. Virtual reality is already being used to improve the way how to control the robots and drones by human operators in manufacturing. Organizations can implement dual neural networks for robotic training. Visual neural network and Imitation neural network together forms the dual neural network. The visual network can be used to recognize an object and the imitation network will make the robot decide what action can be taken in the object. In this way, robots can be trained to perform many manufacturing tasks. 

 What is THR?   

 Toyota has developed THR 3, also known as Toyota’s third-generation humanoid robot. The robot was controlled through virtual reality. It allows a person with a VR headset on, can hold a virtual handle in the virtual world, which would then control the real world robot. This can be applied to help surgeons who are looking to train with robot arms. 

How VR and Robotics can Work Together?

While the convergence of VR and robotics takes place in manufacturing, medical, and military, the potential for this to emerge in other sectors is unlimited. One idea can be by using VR, robots can be sent to a crime scene to give more accurate and clear information or a substantial evidence about what happened, how the environment looks and who is responsible — affecting the outcome of the trial Researchers believe that together, these technologies will help to explore a new way of human-machine interaction and make several business procedures more accurate and efficient. 


Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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