
Snake game

Snake game

Students Projects



Snake game

Snake game

Created By

  • Bhavya Panda

    Bhavya Panda

    I am Bhavya, 10 years old, studying in class 4 of Sri Chaitanya Techno School, Wagholi. I love to ride my cycle and play with my friends. Apart from studies, I like to read story books and to build different miniature structures with Lego blocks. Both courses here at Mechatron Robotics helped me to understand basics of programming. In future I am looking forward to learn Lego robotics.

About This Project

Hello everyone, all of you must be familiar with the snake game which we usually play on a mobile phone. Here I have made the same for you. You can control your snake with arrow keys and you need to eat an apple. But be careful, if snake touches the border of the stage or its own body, you will lose the game. So, Enjoy! 

In this project, the body of the snake is made by creating the clones. Every time you eat the apple, length of your snake will increase. “Touching color” command is used to check if the snake is touching the border or not.  

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Coronavirus Story

Coronavirus Story

Coronavirus Story

Coronavirus Story

Created By

  • Yadnya Surjekar

    Yadnya Surjekar

    I am Yadnya Surejkar. I am 10 years old. I study in 5th grade. I am interested in Robotics, Coding, Cricket and reading books. My favourite app that I made in Mechatron Robotics is BMI Index Calculator. I am incredibly happy to be a part of Mechatron Robotics.

About This Project

As all of us are going through this COVID pandemic, its being important to follow the safety measure and the rules and regulations. This project is made to create an awareness about the existing coronavirus scenario.  

In this Project Coronavirus Story“Text to speech” extension is used to create the voice. “Say” block is used to make the dialogues visible on the stage. “Switch background to” command is used to change the background. Here “Glide to X and Y” command from motion block is used to make the sprite move from one position to other. 

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Why is STEM education so important?

Why is STEM education so important​?

Why is STEM education so important​?

Why is STEM education so important?

Siddhartha Kumar | November 17, 2020

Why is STEM education so important​?

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The knowledge of STEM is not only vital for the development of our country but also for our lives and the future of our students. With the rapid growth of technology under Industry 4.0, the education is also being upgraded to Education 4.0 which means most of the future jobs will be related to Artificial intelligence(AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Robotics. STEM Education prepare us for that. Research shows that with technological advancements STEM Occupations are increasing every year by 20 % whereas other occupations by 8-9%.

In order to strengthen India in terms of innovation, technology, engineering, generating scientific ideas, practical knowledge, problem solving & leadership qualities, Govt. of India is taking efforts to integrate STEM based education to schools.

National Science Foundation quotes- “In the 21st century, scientific and technological innovations have become increasingly important as we face the benefits and challenges of both globalization and a knowledge-based economy. To succeed in this new information-based and highly technological society, students need to develop their capabilities in STEM to levels much beyond what was considered acceptable in the past.”

STEM Career – Technology is pervasive in almost every aspect of daily life, and as the workplace changes, STEM knowledge and skills grow in importance for a variety of workers (not just for mathematicians and scientists).

Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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Bubble Shooter

Bubble Shooter

Bubble Shooter

Bubble Shooter

Created By

  • Yadnya Surjekar

    Yadnya Surjekar

    I am Yadnya Surejkar. I am 10 years old. I study in 5th grade. I am interested in Robotics, Coding, Cricket and reading books. My favourite app that I made in Mechatron Robotics is BMI Index Calculator. I am incredibly happy to be a part of Mechatron Robotics.

About This Project

In this project Bubble Shooter there are 40 bubbles in the game. You need to shoot the bubble with the ball. When you shoot all the bubbles, you will win the game. But if the ball falls on the ground before shooting all the bubbles, the game will be over. 

In this project, bubbles are created by using “create clone of myself command”. The paddle is being controlled with the help of mouse pointer. In this project you will learn how to control the sprite with mouse pointer. 

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Save me from Corona

Save me from Corona

Save me from Corona

Save me from Corona

Created By

  • Bhavya Panda

    Bhavya Panda

    I am Bhavya, 10 years old, studying in class 4 of Sri Chaitanya Techno School, Wagholi. I love to ride my cycle and play with my friends. Apart from studies, I like to read story books and to build different miniature structures with Lego blocks. Both courses here at Mechatron Robotics helped me to understand basics of programming. In future I am looking forward to learn Lego robotics.

About This Project

In this project Save me from Corona You have to save the boy from getting in contact with coronavirus. you can use the left and right keys to move the sprite back and forth and up arrow key to jump. But if coronavirus touches you, you will end up in the hospital. 

In this project, arrow keys are used to move the sprite. “When key pressed” command from event block. Sprite is moved back and forth using the “change x by” command and sprite can move up and down using the “change y by” command. “Switch backdrop to” command from looks is used to change the backdrop to the hospital when the coronavirus touches the sprite. 

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How Farmers and Robots Will Work Together for Future Farming?

How farmers and robots will work together for future farming?

How Farmers and Robots Will Work Together for Future Farming?

How Farmers and Robots Will Work Together for Future Farming?

Aarnav Maitreya | October 12, 2020

Q1) What is Agriculture 4.0? 

Agriculture 4.0 gives an idea about how the farm will look in the future. It mainly focuses on direct and indirect causes of degraded farmland like Deforestation of unsuitable land, Overcutting vegetation, Overgrazing, Unbalanced fertilization use etc. The innovations show mainly focus on the cereal growers and wine growers. The next step in feeding the world’s rapidly growing population which involves self-driving tractors, precision farming and Internet of Things sensors to quantify agriculture in vast new ways. So by that means digital farming is revolutionizing the future. 

Q2)How Farmers and Robots Will Work Together for Future Farming?

An agriculture robot is also known as Agribot. This is a robot which is autonomous and is helpful in farming. It helps the farmers to raise the crops efficiency and also reduces the need for manual labour to the farmer. In the coming generations we can expect many farming things like tilling, sowing, harvesting etc by the agriculture robots individually. Other activities include weeding, control of pests etc 

The agriculture robots can also get connected to the wireless sensors networks and by using the drones, the robots will collect a huge amount of data and information. In order to replace the manual labours the trends of agriculture robots will increase.  

In present time the agriculture robots are used for picking fruits, milking of cows and rearing of sheep and they are found successful in those task. The robots also helps the farmers in the automation of tasks which include pushing of feed and the cleaning of manure. 

Q3) What are the Application, types, future and advantages of Agribiots? 

Application of Robotics in Agriculture: 

  1. Nursery Planting 
  2. Crop Seeding 
  3. Monitoring the crop and giving analysis 
  4. Fertilization and Irrigation 
  5. Crop weeding and Spraying 
  6. Thinning and Pruning 
  7. Autonomous Tractors 
  8. Harvesting and Picking 
  9. Herding and Shepherding 
  10. Milking in Dairy Farming    
How Farmers and Robots Will Work Together for Future Farming?

Vision Robotics’ technology reportedly integrates algorithms with sensor technology to bring automation to lettuce farming and vineyards. Specifically, computer vision allows robots to generate 3D maps and models of areas of interest and then to complete various tasks within those parameters. 

The young farmers will make more investments in robotic technology with more interest. The main thing is that robots will work best in every environment which are constructed as per the need and can get easily used to the layout of the farm. 

The industry of milking will grow by the year 2025 so there are robots which move along the rows of crops, detect the weeds and remove them. 

How Farmers and Robots Will Work Together for Future Farming?

Types of agriculture robots includes: 

  1. Precision Agriculture 
  2. Monitoring the pollution 
  3. Livestock Ranching 
  4. Control of weeds 
  5. Automation of nursery 
  6. Harvesting of crops 
  7. Harvesting of fruits 
  8. Seeding and Planting 

Advantages of Agriculture Robots: 

  1. Labour can be eliminated 
  2. Farmers will be self employed 
  3. Reduction in the usage of pesticides and harmful chemicals 
  4. Consumption of water can be reduced 
  5. Drastic increase in the production of crops

Future of Agriculture Robotics: 

  1. Implementation of Agriculture will change 
  2. Young farmers will start using robotic equipment 
  3. Agriculture robots in dairy farms, Agrochemicals and fresh fruits 
  4. Drones in the agriculture sectors


Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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Balloon Pop

Balloon Pop

Balloon Pop

Balloon Pop

Created By

  • Pratiksha Pohakar1-03

    Pratiksha Pohakar

    I am Pratiksha Pohakar. I am 12 years old. I like learning new technological things. Mechatron Robotics helped me learn coding by making it fun. The trainer guided me very well. I also love to read books.

About This Project

This project  uses Video Sensing Extension. There are two types of balloons: normal balloon and monster balloon. You can score one point by popping one normal balloon. But stay away from the monster one, if you pop the monster balloon, you will lose 2 points. 

In this project, video sensing extension of scratch is used. You can control the sprite by motion on the sprite. You will also learn to create clones of the sprite. In this project, multiple clones of the balloons are create using “create clone of myself” command. 

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How VR in Education Will Change How We Learn and Teach

How VR in Education Will Change How We Learn and Teach

How VR in Education Will Change How We Learn and Teach

How VR in Education Will Change How We Learn and Teach

Ashwini Sharma | August 27, 2020

How VR in Education Will Change How We Learn and Teach

Humans have seen a lot, been through a lot, done a lot; some worth it, some not, some good things and some bad as well. Technological advancement has been the mainstay for us since the beginning of time. From lighting fire by striking two stones to programming robots, technological revolution and evolution has existed parallel to that of human evolution. Just like biological adaptation, humans have had to adapt to technological changes as well and on the hindsight, we can firmly conclude that science and technology have made things possible for us and other than the structure of our brain it is the scientific development over the years that has set us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. 

The most vital of those revolutions are the four industrial revolutions: from the 1st in the year of 1784 to the 4th in current years. 

Let us focus on the current of the four Industrial Revolutions, the 4th Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0. The mainstay of this 4th revolution are Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Human Beings have always been afraid of change other than a select few and have been allergic to it because we are afraid of the consequences of change, we are afraid of the scope of change and the process of adaptation to the changes. But if we look back, can we deny that the 1st Industrial Revolution was necessary? Can we deny that computers were necessary? In fact, we cannot think of a society without Industry or electricity or computers. Was the process of adaptation to the inventions easy? Maybe not, but we have been through them and now we have adapted to the change, we don’t realise how good we humans are at adaptation.  

What if we choose to ignore Robotics and AI? We won’t be able to go ahead as these are the next big things. We cannot remain Neanderthals anymore. What would have happened if some of us chose not to embrace computers? We would have become vestigial limbs of the society. Robotics and AI has given us safety, efficiency and precision in whatever works they have been assigned to by the manufacturers or the clients. It will be foolish if we choose to turn a blind eye to this wonderful scope of change and if a company is myopic in terms of adaptability, that company might eventually cease to exist and become defunct. Think of companies like Grundig, Amkette; how big they were, cutting edge technologies and market leaders within their respective sectors during their heydays. Where are they now? Why do we see companies like Ford, Tata, Unilever, HSBC wither all kinds of storms since their inception and continue to be major players in the market? This is because the latter group of companies chose to embrace changes. 

Robotics, AI, IoT are ell essentials. It depends on us as to how we use it to our benefits. If we can use them properly and don’t get over attached or addicted, this Industry 4.0 can be a beautiful thing. 

Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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Painting Sprite

Painting Sprite

Painting Sprite

Painting Sprite

Created By

  • Pratiksha Pohakar1-03

    Pratiksha Pohakar

    I am Pratiksha Pohakar. I am 12 years old. I like learning new technological things. Mechatron Robotics helped me learn coding by making it fun. The trainer guided me very well. I also love to read books.

About This Project

In this project,Painting Sprite. sprite is going to draw a beautiful design with the help of different shape. You simply have to select the shape with which you want to draw the design. 

Here pen extension of scratch is used which is used for drawing. In this project “ask” command from the sensing block is used to get the choice from the user. The user will choose one shape out of the circle, rectangle, triangle, pentagon, and hexagon. Depending upon the selected shape, sprite will draw a design using a pen tool.  

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KBC Game KBC Game

KBC Game

KBC Game

KBC Game

Created By

  • Pratiksha Pohakar1-03

    Pratiksha Pohakar

    I am Pratiksha Pohakar. I am 12 years old. I like learning new technological things. Mechatron Robotics helped me learn coding by making it fun. The trainer guided me very well. I also love to read books.

About This Project

KBC Game  this game was developed by getting inspired by the very popular reality show “Kaun Banega Crorepati”. There are five General Knowledge Questions. You have to give the right answer to all questions in order to win Rs. 1 Lac. If your answer goes wrong, the game will end. 

In this project “ask” command from sensing block is used to get the answers from the user. If and else block are used to check if the answer is right or wrong. This code also uses the “switch costume to” command from looks to show different poses in different situation. 

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