
Will there really be loss of jobs due to robotics & AI? a mythbuster

Students Projects



Will There Really be Loss of Jobs Due to Robotics & AI? a Mythbuster

Will There Really be Loss of Jobs Due to Robotics & AI? a Mythbuster

Vikash Sharma | June 30, 2021

Jobs: A primary source of income for living for majority of the middle class people across the globe. Some are better paid, some are not so, but whatever it is and wherever it is, jobs are essential for the middle class unlike the upper or lower class who are mainly into businesses and agriculture respectively. The upper class have the Dollars and the lower class are often bailed out by government policies, but the middle class end up being trumped in the middle. So, what if inventions take away the primary source of income from the middle class who spend so much time, effort, money behind education just for the sake of securing a ‘good’ job? What if new machines eat away at the vacancies? This is the particular area of discussion for this particular topic. 

We often hear a lot of discussions about whether Robotics and Artificial Intelligence will snatch away from us what is rightfully ours: our jobs. We hear a lot of arguments for and against this concept. However, if we think logically with our past experiences, we might be able to appreciate the fact that Robotics & AI and the whole of the Industry 4.0 are actually blessings. First of all, we must agree that they are here because they were necessary, otherwise they wouldn’t have been invented in the first place, would they?

Let us think about computers or smartphones. Did they actually take away our jobs or did they create more for us? The person who used to be a typist types on a computer now instead of a typewriter, a bank manager instead of maintaining bulky registers uses a computer to jot down all the essential info and if we think deeply, we will see a lot of examples of this type. Thus we can say that computers haven’t really taken jobs away, in fact new people have been hired by different tech companies for the maintenance of these machines. Think about the IT sector…a whole new sector is here today just because someone invented computers and make no mistake, IT companies are one of the biggest hopes the middle class engineering graduates have these days. Ask any IITs or NITs, software and IT giants are the backbones of mass recruitment there. 

We can say the same thing about Robotics and AI. They are helping us have smart cities, they are making jobs safer and work more efficient. In addition to that, more and more people are being recruited for maintenance of these Robots, for operating these robots: think about the Da Vinci Surgical Robot…no matter how precise it is, a surgeon is still needed in the OT to operate the remote controls, think about a drone with AI, someone has to program that thing and maintain it. Yes, we might argue that the number of jobs needing unskilled labours might be going down but there will never be a scarcity of vacancies for a skilled personnel.

Will There Really be Loss of Jobs Due to Robotics & AI? a Mythbuster we can say that if all the jobs are being eaten up by robots or AI, then there will be a loss of buying power amongst the general public and the companies and recruiters will definitely not want that to happenIn that case, loss of jobs will eventually become loss of revenues for the companies, so no need to worry, people will be hired!  

Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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A.T.M (Anti Transmission Mechanism)

A.T.M (Anti Transmission Mechanism)

A.T.M (Anti Transmission Mechanism)

A.T.M (Anti Transmission Mechanism)

Created By

  • Yash Nilesh Ghunavat1-03

    Adhrit Choudhary

    My name is Roshan; I am 13 years old and I am in 7th standard. My hobbies are horse riding, robotics, and computer programming.

About This Project

Hello everyone !

My name is Adhrit Choudhary, I am 10 years old. I am a student of MECHATRON ROBOTICS, New Delhi. I have completed a fully fledged Arduino and Electronics course in just 2 months. I have always been fascinated towards Coding and Automation. I want to become a Pokemon Trainer, Hehe, I want to make my own Pokeball to catch pokemons. I know it sounds childish but i’m 10. I want to use Arduino programming to create a replica of Pokeball.I would also love to contribute towards the INDIAN DEFENCE SERVICES.

A.T.M (Anti Transmission Mechanism) will help people withdraw cash from any ATM without actually making a physical contact with the switches. An ultrasonic sensor is used to provide input to the ATM Machine. For ex- If your input pin if 4578, then you will put your hand at 40cm, 50cm, 70cm, and 80cm for a moment of time. Depending on the distance, any person can input his pin. The buttons on the machine will be pressed by the Servo Motors attached.

This project can also be used to turn ON and OFF any switch at home or offices.

Looking forward for more innovative ideas at Arduino Project Hub.

Thanks Everyone !

Stay Safe and Happy !

Components Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • Ultrasonic Sensor
  • SG90 Micro-Servo Motor
  • Buzzer
  • Jumper Wires
  • 9V 1A switching Wall Supply


In this image all the components with the connections are given

Code Of Project

int trigger=9;
int sensor=0;
int echo=10;

Servo servo1;
Servo servo2;
Servo servo3;
Servo servo4;
Servo servo5;

long calibration (int trigger,int echo){
pinMode(trigger, INPUT);
  return pulseIn(echo,HIGH);
void setup(){
void loop()
sensor = 0.01723 * calibration(9,10);
if (sensor < 100 && sensor > 90){
if (sensor < 90 && sensor > 80){
if (sensor < 80 && sensor > 70){
if (sensor < 70 && sensor > 60){

  if (sensor < 60 && sensor > 50){
Interfacing of RGB with IR sensor

Interfacing of RGB with IR sensor

Interfacing of RGB with IR sensor

Interfacing of RGB with IR sensor

Created By

  • Roshan Baig

    Roshan Baig

    My name is Roshan; I am 13 years old and I am in 7th standard. My hobbies are horse riding, robotics, and computer programming.

About This Project

Interfacing of RGB with IR sensor objective is to On, Off and fading RGB led from remote place using IR Remote.

The TSOP 1738 is one type of receiver which receives IR. It consists of a PIN diode and a pre amplifier which are embedded into a single package. The output of TSOP is active low and it gives +5V in off state. When IR waves, from a source, with a centre frequency of 38 kHz incident on it, its output goes low.

Components Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • RGB Diffused Common Cathode
  • IR receiver
  • Breadboard
  • Resistor 1K Ohm


In this image all the components with the connections are given

Code Of Project

int red=11;
int green=10;
int blue=9;
int RECV_PIN=8;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
void setup()
pinMode(red, OUTPUT);
pinMode(green, OUTPUT);
pinMode(blue, OUTPUT);
void loop()
if (irrecv.decode(&results))
Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
digitalWrite(green, LOW);
digitalWrite(blue, LOW);
digitalWrite(red, LOW);
digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
digitalWrite(blue, LOW);
digitalWrite(red, LOW);
digitalWrite(green, LOW);
digitalWrite(blue, HIGH);
analogWrite(11, 255);
analogWrite(9, 255);
analogWrite(10, 0);
analogWrite(11, 0);
analogWrite(9, 255);
analogWrite(10, 255);

How IOT can Help in Reducing Electricity Bills

How IOT can Help in Reducing Electricity Bills

How IOT can Help in Reducing Electricity Bills

Ashwini Sharma | June 01, 2021

In India, the electricity consumption has increased drastically in last 5 years. In 2015-16 the electricity consumption was 6.76 GW whereas in the next year 2016-17 it became 12.28 GW which brings to the conclusion that its being rapidly increasing every year. Being the second most populated country in the world, India is using electricity at its peak and for sustainable usage there is a need to save resources like electricity 

How IOT can Help in Reducing Electricity Bills  IoT uses a network of connected devices that are interconnected and also connected with a server. The sensors detect the signals coming out of the integrated devices/equipment that is used for real-time analytics to provide insights.

Businesses across all industry are moving towards these new technology with open arms to take advantage of the opportunities it offers IoT is now extensively want to achieve various business goals like reducing electricity bills, improving operational efficiency, improving occupants comfort, generating revenue, increasing customer engagement and more. Buildings, retail stores, hotels and even in hospitals such IoT devices have installed to automate activities, primarily getting to make  occupants more well-off and productive at low cost, while managing energy and operations more efficiently.In developed countries, commercial buildings consume around 20-40% of the entire energy therefore it is very vital that they looks on energy optimization.

What are the benefits of an intelligent building ?  

1. Improves Energy consumption : Data collected by sensors at a building level can be used to regulate air-conditioning and lighting level in real time, thereby reducing energy consumption and optimizing the internal environment to improve occupants comfort. 

2. Enhances comfort of occupants : Temperature and lighting level can be monitored and managed for each individual section. This is how it offers fine experiences for users based on their temperature preferences throughout the day and optimize their efficiency and comfort. 

3. Increases operational productivity : Powering down lights in sections with zero activity, adjusting cooling systems as per the outside temperature, and managing other devices can be automated. This not only ensures that facilities are used more efficiently but also brings an improved experience for building users. 

4. Predictive maintenance : Continuous monitoring and predictive capability of  Internet of things enabled buildings can enable a building manager to take appropriate corrective action before tenants even notice a problem. Predictive maintenance can: 

  • Reduce maintenance costs 
  • Eliminate loss due to equipment breakdowns 
  • Reduce equipment downtime 


Whether you want to increase the efficiency of your building, reduce operational costs, increase electricity bill savings, monitor asset utilization or improve occupants experience converting your traditional building into smart building will help you achieve the same. 

Automation offers intelligent building and energy management solution that not only reduces the costs of energy, commissioning and maintenance but at the same time also enables safer, efficient reliable and more predictive world.


Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development 

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Created By

  • Reyansh-03


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut abore et dolore magnaMy project is about irrigation system. It water the plant whenever the soil is dry and if we want more water we can do it by sitting in chair because the Bluetooth in the project connects with the system with the help of the app. After connecting you can check the status of the soil and pump the water and turn it off again

About This Project

This project is about lapPiano. We control it using a laptop and arduino connected to it. But the problem is in Serial monitor we have to press enter every time whenever we type a note. I have solved that problem by using PuTTY. You can download PuTTY from The notes are printed in the Serial port. To open putty first open putty then select Serial then write the COM port of arduino then click on open.

Components Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • Speaker : 0.25W, 8 ohms


In this image all the components with the connections are given


Code Of Project

#include "pitches.h"

int C[] = {NOTE_C5};
int CS[] = {NOTE_CS5};
int D[] = {NOTE_D5};
int DS[] = {NOTE_DS5};
int E[] = {NOTE_E5};
int F[] = {NOTE_F5};
int FS[] = {NOTE_FS5};
int G[] = {NOTE_G5};
int GS[] = {NOTE_GS5};
int A[] = {NOTE_A5};
int AS[] = {NOTE_AS5};
int B[] = {NOTE_B5};
int CC[] = {NOTE_C6};
int duration(500);

void setup() {
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT); //Digital Pin 11 is where you connect your Buzzer
  Serial.println("Welcome to the Virtual Keyboard!");
  Serial.println("Notes: A-S-D-F-G-H-J");
  Serial.println("#: Q-W-E-R-T-Y-U");

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available()) {
    char ch =;
    if (ch == 'a') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
      tone(11, C[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'q') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
      tone(11, CS[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 's') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, D[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'w') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, DS[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'd') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, E[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'f') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, F[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'r') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, FS[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'g') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, G[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 't') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, GS[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'h') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, A[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'y') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, AS[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'j') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, B[Note], duration);
    if (ch == 'u') {
    for (int Note = 0; Note < 1; Note++) {
       tone(11, CC[Note], duration);

Does Our Education System Prepare Us Well For a Better Life ?

Does Our Education System Prepare Us Well For a Better Life ?

Does Our Education System Prepare Us Well For a Better Life ?

Rajesh Sharma | May 27, 2021

A common question to all my readers ; Does our Education system prepare us well for practical life ? Does a student from prestigious colleges like IITs/IIMs know how to face catastrophic situations in life? Does it teach us how to be patient and calm in critical situations?

According to Gandhi, education should teach a person at least one skill which makes him/her independent in life. Job oriented education is the need of the hour. Several govt. bodies like wardha commission and kothari commission recommended job oriented education however due to its late implementation, unemployment among youth was at peak.

Does Our Education System Prepare Us Well For a Better Life ? The current education system demands practical approach to subjects rather than only theory. It is required to provide Hands on experience of the theoretical concepts. Practical project based approach not only helps a student apply the theory, it also develops the problem solving skills among students. The stereotype theoretical education methodologies needs a change to prepare children for the future. Students need to be motivated to do physical exercises and play outdoor sports rather than playing games on cell phones and computers.

I have taken some basic examples on how the Learning by Doing can be implemented. Addition and subtraction shall be taught to the students by taking them to markets and not merely solving word problems in class. Concept of litres and mililitres can be taught at petrol pump while refuelling vehicles. Topics of electricity and heat can be taught with real life examples such as Battery connections for making a LED glow. A small child understands about heat only when he touches the burning candle for the first time. There is also a need to appreciate mistakes by students rather than making is shameful. The fear of shame doesn’t allow a child to experiment and unleash his creativity.

I would quote a line by Mahatma Gandhi “Education is drawing out best from man”. Skilled Education is the demand of our Indian Education system. We have smart phone but we don’t have the required skills to repair it. Our youth wants to become engineers and doctors but no one wants to be teachers. This is the irony of our education system. How can we produce Best brains if we can’t produce good teachers ?
Our education should teach us to “believe in ourselves”

The word education for many in India is to merely get degrees & certificates rather than learning and acquiring knowledge. Don’t we have enough skills to manufacture the finest machines, Robots and automation technology . Why do still in 21st century we work with jugaad technology. Why don’t we have research oriented higher education where students who are really interested in academics can apply. Education should be more than collecting degrees and job placements.

Students at school level should be guided for suitable career according to their aptitude. Various Research studies conducted in the last 10 years show that India still produces highest number of engineers and MBAs who mostly end up doing jobs not related to their field of study. Why cant parents show more confidence in their child to allow him to choose a career of his passion and interest. Comparing to the world statistics , we still lack behind in producing artist, musicians, sportsman, etc. Why can’t an artist, a musician and a dancer excel without the basic class tenth certificate? Why don’t we promote a child who is good in sports to become a sportsman without giving him the stress of examinations? These are some of the questions everyone of us should think and respond to.

We need to get out of the examination system of our education and focus on character building. We need aptitude based education. We need education for leading good life for enjoying life. Our education today gives us stress but doesn’t teach us how to cope with it. Our students don’t know how to handle failure. Our education doesn’t teach us how to handle the cut throat competition and critical situations. Depression among the young students is growing And that is why the suicide rates is maximum in India which reaches its peak during exams. Gandhi’s India needs to learn the lesson of ahimsa. However its not the responsibility of only the government to change this, we all must stood up and contribute our bit to change the education system for the betterment of our future generations.

Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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How 3D printing is Transforming the Education Sector

How 3D printing is Transforming the Education Sector

How 3D printing is Transforming the Education Sector

How 3D printing is Transforming the Education Sector

Priyanka Sharma | April 14, 2021


Education performs an essential role in unlocking the human ingenuity. 3-D printing is gambling a decisive function in exposing eager newbies to the sensible utility of supplying real-international understanding to specific domains like Science, Engineering, Architecture, and Math etc…. The 3-d printing era is gaining recognition within the training region at two ranges- primary and college stages. Let’s understand how 3-D printing is reworking education area. 

3-D Printing at Primary Levels  

3-D printing is used in many colleges to make getting to know a laugh and encourage younger minds to suppose creatively. The technology is on the whole used to create interactive, technical and mechanical lessons which simplify learning of basic concepts. Using the 3-dimensional visuals, teachers are capable of create visible getting to know aids that help in explaining hard ideas which are not effortlessly understood theoretically. For instance, you may create 3-d models of planets, mind or something that you need to give an explanation for. 3-D printing generation has provided powerful change gaining knowledge of method to traditional method of mastering that’s based totally on books and concept. 3-d printing allows the educators to convey any difficulty count number to lifestyles to have interaction students for a long term that results in multiplied learning and also improves essential questioning and problem-solving skills. 

History is often considered a much less thrilling issue as it entails analysing past through snap shots and text, with 3-D printing technology, it is viable for educators to breathe life into past. For instance, the museum is offering 3-D scans of artifacts which may be downloaded and educators can create 3-d models. Students advantage from such exercising as it’s miles less difficult to analyse and hold close info from the bodily version in contrast to getting to know from snap shots and textual content. Similarly, 3-d printing can follow to Math, Geography, Physics to create fashions that may be used a bodily illustration and used to simplify tangible standards.  

3D Printing on the University Level 

At the university level, 3-D printing generation is reaping extra benefits. A huge variety of universities have invested in 3D printing generation to improve delivery of information in STEM curriculum. The technology cloaks the mastering of tough principles in the sort of way that scholars barely word they are making use of complex ideas of science and arithmetic to resolve issues. In universities, students use a mixture of 3-D models and renderings to provide an explanation for the design system. Creating 3D models allows the scholars and educators to understand the design structurally. Such matters are not viable with 2D drawings where you have best one view to be had for complete analysis. In the mechanical engineering domain, college students are capable of build three-D models quick and create quick iterations in a cost- effective manner permitting them to improvise design.  

How 3D printing is Transforming the Education Sector, 3D printing isn’t handiest transforming school room mastering. In fact, the technology has the prowess to interrupt the lecture room partitions and take the mastering to extra granular level. It isn’t all about how three-D printing is remodelling education area; it’s miles extra approximately how this generation will revolutionize education in close to destiny. 3-D printing is these days at the stage in which computer systems were at some point of the 90’s they are more likely to make education extra effective and enhance the bond between thoughts and understanding. 

Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

Book Your Free Trail Class Today

Home automation using relay

Home automation using relay

Home automation using relay

Home automation using relay

Created By

  • Roshan Baig

    Roshan Baig

    My name is Roshan, I am 13 years old and I am in 7th standard. My hobbies are horse riding, robotics, and computer programming.

About This Project

Home automation using relay  For my robotics class graduation, I got the idea to do this

Components Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • Power Relay, SPDT
  • PIR Motion Sensor (Genric)
  • Temperature Sensor
  • IR Receiver
  • 6 Pin Gas Sensor
  • LED  Light Bulb, Frosted GLS
  • DC Motor
  • Buzzer, Piezo
  • Resistor 10k ohm
  • 9V battery
  • General Purpose Transistor NPN
  • 1N4007- High Voltage,High Current , Rated Diode
  • Resistor 1k ohm


In this image all the components with the connections are given

Home automation using relay

Code Of Project

// declare integer variables
int PIR = 0;
int temp = 0;
int IR = 0;
int gas = 0;
void setup()
  // declare inputs
  pinMode(6, INPUT);
  pinMode(7, INPUT);
  pinMode(5, INPUT);
  pinMode(4, INPUT);
  // declare outputs
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
  // begin the serial port with a baud rate of 9600
void loop()
  // declare variables
  PIR = digitalRead(4);
  temp = analogRead(5);
  IR = digitalRead(7);
  gas = analogRead(6);
  // if else statements
  if(temp >= 500)
    digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
    Serial.println("fan on");
    digitalWrite(12, LOW);
    Serial.println("fan off");
  if(PIR == 1)
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
    Serial.println("lights on");
     digitalWrite(13, LOW);
    Serial.println("lights off");
  if(gas >= 200)
     digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
    Serial.println("gas leak");
    digitalWrite(10, LOW);
  if( IR == 1)
    digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
    Serial.print("signal received");
    digitalWrite(11, LOW);
  delay(30);// delay 30 milliseconds to let things settle
How AR and VR will change

How Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality will change the education system

How Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality will change the education system

How AR and VR will change

Vikash Sharma | March 29, 2021

AR and VR are two sides of the same coin. You could think of AR as VR with one foot in the real world: AR stimulates artificial objects in the real environment; VR creates an artificial environment to inhabit. 

I would quote a line by Dale Carnegie “Learning is an active process. We learn by doing.. Only knowledge that is used sticks in your mind”. With AR and VR technology, students can now actively engage in the learning material. Instead of looking at pictures in textbook, students learn by doing. VR and AR allow students to have experiences that weren’t possible before. VR can be used to teach lots of things, from history to human anatomy. Now imagine that you want to teach biology to children; needless to say, getting them interested in the learning process can be difficult. But there’s a way out – you can use an Augmented Reality (AR) mobile app through which students will direct their smartphone cameras at images in their books and virtual objects will appear on smartphone screens. Educators can use augmented reality to teach whatever subject they need – from the alphabet to geography to chemistry

Role of Augmented

Role of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in education 

Artificial intelligence and virtual reality are the realities of the future education system. Classroom learning is undergoing change at an unprecedented rate. Technology is making its way to the classroom, increasing the interactive elements that many students are benefitting from. 

How AR and VR will change the education system VR and AR can be used to supplement course curriculum and help students to better understand course concepts by stimulating experiences that are relevant to course content. It also help to make education more personalized for each student. This new technology has the ability to assess individual skills and analyze data on each student’s progress which means the teacher can offer tailored instructions for improvement. 

How AR & VR is helping to deal with COVID-19 

AR enables digital information to be superimposed & integrated into our physical environment. With many of us now at home during a global pandemic, AR is a tool that can help us transform our immediate surroundings into learning, work & environment spaces.  

There are three things AR does very well: visualization, annotation & storytelling. There are examples in each of these areas that are both timely in the current reality of COVID-19 & which can be built upon once cultural institutions, schools & workplaces reopen their doors. AR is no longer just about the technology; it’s about defining how we want to live in the real world with this new technology and how we well design experiences that are meaningful and can enrich humanity.  

Role of Augmented

During these phenomenal times, VR offers a solid option to video calls & those that adopt it could well decide to keep up virtual communication as a long-term strategy. Perhaps the greatest advantage of the medium is its ability to cause individuals to feel like they are in the same space together, without the requirement for travel, an unmistakable success for the earth & better utilization of time & budget plans. These virtual environments can be intended for optimal comfort, productivity, & creativity. 

AR and VR aren’t meant to replace books or teachers. Instead, this new technology should be used as a helpful tool to enhance learning for students. Schools and teachers will have to decide which classes this technology is appropriate for, as well as determine the appropriate time and place for using it. Finding the right balance with new technology is key. 

Students today are already familiar with various technologies, which is why computerized tools and apps make sense in a classroom setting. 

According to research released at ISTE 2016, 93 percent of teachers say their students would be excited to use virtual reality and 83 percent say that virtual reality might help improve learning outcomes – from better understanding of learning concepts (77 percent) to greater collaboration (71 percent) and motivation in the classroom (84 percent). 

Seeing, hearing, and touching possible realities through the power of AR can stir our willingness to welcome and activate positive change in the world. Technology is the biggest factor impacting Indian education now, with digital content and classrooms, online assessments and cloud-based platforms augmenting the academic and administrative processes of the K-12 sector.

How AR and VR will change


Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

Book Your Free Trail Class Today

Bluetooth car

Bluetooth car

Bluetooth car

Bluetooth car

Created By

  • Yash Nilesh Ghunavat1-03

    Yash Ghunavat

    My name is Yash Nilesh Ghunavat. I am 13 years old. I want to become a Robotics Engineer when I grow up. I have made many projects in Mechatron Robotics like Gripper Robot, Bluetooth Control Car, Bluetooth Controlled Light Bulb, Clap to on Light Bulb, Dancing LED etc.

About This Project

Yash Ghunavat

Bluetooth Car is an Arduino based project code for the particular project is written below

this app use to control car

Components Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • DC Motor
  • HC-05 Bluetooth Module
  • af motet driver shild


In this image all the components with the connections are given

Bluetooth car

Code Of Project

//Arduino Bluetooth Controlled Car
//Before uploading the code you have to install the necessary library
//Note - Disconnect the Bluetooth Module before hiting the upload button otherwise you'll get compilation error message.
//AFMotor Library 
//After downloading the library open Arduino IDE >> go to sketch >> Include Libray >> ADD. ZIP Libray >> Select the downloaded 
//ZIP File >> Open it >> Done
//Now You Can Upload the Code without any problem but make sure the bt module isn't connected with Arduino while uploading code

#include <AFMotor.h>

//initial motors pin
AF_DCMotor motor1(1, MOTOR12_1KHZ); 
AF_DCMotor motor2(2, MOTOR12_1KHZ); 
AF_DCMotor motor3(3, MOTOR34_1KHZ);
AF_DCMotor motor4(4, MOTOR34_1KHZ);

char command; 

void setup() 
  Serial.begin(9600);  //Set the baud rate to your Bluetooth module.

void loop(){
  if(Serial.available() > 0){ 
    command =; 
    Stop(); //initialize with motors stoped
    //Change pin mode only if new command is different from previous.   
    case 'F':  
    case 'B':  
    case 'L':  
    case 'R':

void forward()
  motor1.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor clockwise
  motor2.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor clockwise
  motor3.setSpeed(255);//Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor clockwise
  motor4.setSpeed(255);//Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor clockwise

void back()
  motor1.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise
  motor2.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise
  motor3.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise
  motor4.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise

void left()
  motor1.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise
  motor2.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise
  motor3.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity;  //rotate the motor clockwise
  motor4.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity;  //rotate the motor clockwise

void right()
  motor1.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor clockwise
  motor2.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor clockwise
  motor3.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise
  motor4.setSpeed(255); //Define maximum velocity; //rotate the motor anti-clockwise

void Stop()
  motor1.setSpeed(0); //Define minimum velocity; //stop the motor when release the button
  motor2.setSpeed(0); //Define minimum velocity; //rotate the motor clockwise
  motor3.setSpeed(0); //Define minimum velocity; //stop the motor when release the button
  motor4.setSpeed(0); //Define minimum velocity; //stop the motor when release the button