
Beetle in the Maze

Beetle in the Maze

Students Projects



Beetle in the Maze

Beetle in the Maze

Created By

  • Pratiksha Pohakar1-03

    Pratiksha Pohakar

    I am Pratiksha Pohakar. I am 12 years old. I like learning new technological things. Mechatron Robotics helped me learn coding by making it fun. The trainer guided me very well. I also love to read books.

About This Project

Beetle in the Maze there are 4 levels in this gae. You have to move the beetle using the arrow keys. You have to reach the destination. Once you reached there you will get into the next level. Be careful! If you touch the maze you have to start from the beginning. Enjoy the maze game! 

In this project, you will understand how to use arrow keys to control the sprite. This project uses the “when key pressed” event to check which key is pressed. It also uses a “touching color” command from the sensing block to check if the beetle is touching the maze or not and to check if it reached the destination or not. ‘Move steps’ and ‘point in direction’ command is used to make the beetle move in the respective direction. 

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Why Robotics For Student?

Why Robotics For student

Why Robotics For Student?

Why Robotics For Student?

Siddhartha Kumar | June 15, 2020

Why Robotics For Student?

  1. With the rapid growth of technology under Industry 4.0, the education is also being upgraded to Education 4.0 which means most of the future jobs will be related to Artificial intelligence(AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Robotics. The current level of education taught in schools needs to be upgraded by bringing more practical exposure to the students. Robotics is way by which students can develop the skills of problem solving, practical approach to challenges and give a shape to their creativity.
  2. Providing Robotics education to engineering students was prevalent for last many years in India, however many institutions have started giving this exposure to the school students and the result has been exceptional. Very recently Govt. of India under NITI (National Institution for Transforming India) Aayog has started providing funds to schools for setting up ATAL TINKERING LABS in schools so that this Robotics and other STEM courses could be taught to students.
  3.  Research shows that 80% of the Jobs will need strong foundation of STEM subjects. Most of the jobs will be related to Internet of Things (IOT), AI, Automation and Robotics in most of the fields like Aerospace, Aeronautics, Nuclear, Chemical, Pharma, Heavy Engineering, FMCG, Electronics, Medical Science, Home Automation and many more.

Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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Use of Robotics in Various Fields

Robotics in Various Fields

Use of Robotics in Various Fields

Use of Robotics in Various Fields

Tahreem Jamadar | April 02, 2020

Use of Robotics in Various Fields

Robotics in Agriculture, Robotics in Military, Robotics in Medical Science, Robotics in Space Exploration, Robotics in Manufacturing

1. Robotics in Agriculture:
The use of robots in agriculture reduces the heavy-duty tasks which were, previously done by the farmers. Their role is to carry out labor-intensive tasks and pick out sensitive fruits and vegetables such as strawberries and lettuce.

· It is used for time-saving purposes.
· It helps in making the farmer’s work easy by cutting down on manpower.
· Different types of robots have been in use for different purposes. For seeding, harvesting, chemical application.
· Robots help in identifying the problematic crops and spraying chemicals on them. It reduces the labor of the farmer.

2. Robotics in Military:
Robotics in warfare has helped people to combat challenging tasks easily. Robots help in rescue operations resulting in fewer casualties.

· It is used in Combat support application for anti-submarine operations
· It is used in laying mines, fire support, electronic warfare, strike missions, etc.
· It is intended to save human lives as much as possible by performing as defense robots
· Safely respond to all kinds of threats inclusive of natural disasters.

3. Robotics in Medical Science:
With the accommodation of robotics in the medical sector, things have changed drastically. Surgeries have become more precise, drawing blood & carrying around racks have become at ease. With remote-controlled medical robots, caretakers can interact with their patients, giving them more time and attention. Medical tests are conducted in the labs with the help of robots.

· It is used in surgeries, helps in assisting operations.
· It helps in giving more attention to patients.
· It helps in performing accurate surgeries and transporting dangerous substances.
· It ensures a safe work environment.

4. Robotics in Space Exploration:
Robots support or replace human beings to carry out challenging tasks. Tasks that are too dangerous or even impossible for the reach of the astronauts are accomplished by robots. They don’t need rest or any food or energy, hence making it more efficient.

· It is used in providing information to flight controllers.
· It helps astronauts with routine tasks.
· They also capture videos and pictures used in research.
· They collect samples for research and assemble structures.

5. Robotics in Manufacturing:
In the manufacturing sector, robots are used for three purposes. (a) material handling (b) processing operation (c ) assembly and inspection. All these purposes are fulfilled by different kinds of robots ranging from big to small. Every aspect is taken care of in an industrial unit as there are automated robots for every task.

· Robotics in manufacturing helps the workers to cut down their labor costs.
· They help in improving the overall efficiency of the manufacturing process.
· Robots don’t get tired and can work continuously meeting the quality requirements as compared to humans.
· It increases productivity and profitability.

6. Robotics in Rescue Operations:
Disasters like floods and hurricanes can complicate situations and can be very tough for rescue operations. Robots come in handy in these times as they help in bringing food and help to the victims. Drones are used during wildfires when things get out of control. Different types of robots are made to tackle situations like earthquakes and sandstorms. Snake-like robots work perfectly during earthquakes as they can detect people under debris.

· Robots in rescue operations help in rescuing humans during a disaster.
· It helps in providing aids, medical treatments, and evacuating casualties.
· They can fit into places where humans cannot.
· It helps in saving more lives of people by helping firemen and policemen.

Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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How can Artificial Intelligence aid in COVID -19 crisis?

How can Artificial Intelligence aid in COVID -19 crisis?

How can Artificial Intelligence aid in COVID -19 crisis?

How can Artificial Intelligence aid in COVID -19 crisis?

Kiran Gupta | March 05, 2020

How can Artificial Intelligence aid in COVID -19 crisis? 

 The end of December 2019 resulted in the outbreak of a new contagious disease mainly caused by a transmission of virus with the consumption of bats in Wuhan , China. Initially the circumstances of this virus were not clear and hence minor damage was observed and was kept unaccounted for but later it turned into a global pandemic. The statistics as of 3rd March 2020 with respect to COVID-19 showed 3,168 deaths and more rapidly spreading  positive cases thereafter. 

The disruption is still looming round the world.  

On 31st  December 2019, BlueDot sent an alarming notification about an outbreak of a deadly disease with the symptoms of “unusual pneumonia” in Wuhan , China, and exactly after nine days World Health Organization(WHO) released a statement regarding a discovery of “unusual pneumonia” in a hospitalised patient in Wuhan, China.   

How did they find Covid-19? 

BlueDot is a global artificial intelligence database company that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to monitor infectious disease and provides insights before its outbreak. It analyses and predicts the damage and spread of the disease with the help of huge databases. 

Artificial Intelligence and applied science are making it easier and faster to cope up with the disease and to control the binge rate of COVID-19 as far as possible. 

How Artificial Intelligence Helped in COVID-19? 

AI algorithms collect the information from the various sources like statements from WHO , commercial flights, health reports, climate data from satellites and news reports. From all the data gathered, it can find important correlation between data points that can help to control  and forecast all the possible outcomes. 

In the case of COVID-19 AI precisely identified the next possible targets in China. There are systems developed sensors using AI and ML which can predict body temperature of about 200 people per minute and detects it up to a range of 0.5 degree Celsius. The AI flags anyone who has a temperature above 37.3 degrees.  

Artificial Intelligence used in this outbreak also articulates a difference between COVID-19 and the ordinary viral. 

However, at the end of the day the war against COVID-19 is still not over until we develop a vaccine or an antidote against it. Development of new drugs is a costly and a lengthy process which may take time. 

Fortunately, AI comes to our rescue and speeds up the process. DeepMind-by Google, an AI research lab declared that it has used AI and deep learning to find the structure of proteins associated with COVID-19. 

It can not only be used to predict the epidemic but also help by developing the treatments and the vaccines required for a speedy recovery, diagnosing patients, disinfecting areas speeding up to develop a cure for COVID-19 

At the end of the day it is difficult to judge or comment whether we ‘re headed in the right direction but the efforts are surely commendable. 

If Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are rightly used, they can undoubtedly do wonders to the world. 

As quoted by Stephan Hawking 

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) is either the Best or the Worst thing to happen to Humanity“ 

Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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Top 4 courses to become a robotics engineer

Top 4 Courses to Become a Robotics Engineer

Top 4 Courses to Become a Robotics Engineer

Pranoti Ghirnikar | January 16, 2020

 Hi!!! Let me share with you my story of choosing Robotics engineering and how I excelled in this specific field during my college days. In 2008, I started my engineering journey in one of the best engineering college in India “THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, MUMBAI”. Over here I was an average student in an extraordinary college and an even extraordinary competition. In first year, all the students have common subjects and we need to choose our area of specialization in the second year. And I was too confused as I hadn’t find  something that appeals to me . Then on 1st May 2008 came a life changing moment or I should say a life changing movie “The Ironman”. After watching that movie, I knew what I got to do in my life. I wanted to become an AI and Robotics expert. 

 So the next question is how I accomplished my goal? 

 Well I chose to be a mechanical engineer but soon I realized its not gonna cut the cheese so these are list of courses I did in order to boost my career. 

  1. C/C++ 
  2. Python  
  3. Mechatronics 
  4. Arduino


  • C/C++ is a perfect platform to start coding 
  • It is the most classic and easiest platform where you can start learning and coding  
  • C++ is object oriented which gives you a brief introduction to how a particular piece of code is written and how it is implemented in the real world 


  • This is the most used technology for coding in the industry at the moment 
  • It is so because it has pre defined java packages which makes it very simple to code  
  • Python language is used for  
  1. Web Development 
  2. Data Science 
  3. Machine Learning  
  4. Data Visualization 
  5. Scripting 
  • It is also used to code small robots so that they can perform simple functions 


It is natural that we are talking about robotics and mechatronics has to be part of the list 

  • It is a combination of robotics , electronics , computer system and telecommunications 
  • I personally found this course very interesting as I was able to implement all my knowledge and was able to see a robot moving . It was like when Tony Stark had started building Mark 1. 
  • Mechatronics will take you into a deep dive of subjects such as  
  1. Machine Learning 
  2. Deep Learning  
  3. Artificial Intelligence 


Arduino language is used to design and manufacture a microcontroller  

So what is microcontroller and why is it necessary if I want to be a robotics engineer? 

 Well imagine a calculator you type 1 

Give the command of “+” 

And again type 1 

It will give you an output of 2  So now imagine yourself playing a game and character moves upward when you press the key “w”, towards left when you press “a” , towards right when you press “d” 

 Ever imagined what makes that character move? 

It’s the microcontroller  

So you should be able to design microcontrollers in order to make your robot move 

Along with these above courses, I also did many projects so that I can get as much as experience as I can  

So this was my story , I hope it was worth your time  


Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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Thematic Investing: Intersection of Robotics and AI

Thematic Investing: Intersection of Robotics and AI

Thematic Investing: Intersection of Robotics and AI

Thematic Investing: Intersection of Robotics and AI

Kiran Verma | November 23, 2019

Q1) What do you mean by Thematic Investing? 

Thematic Investing: Intersection of Robotics and AI  Thematic investing is a form of investment which aims to identify macro-level trends, and the underlying investments that stand to benefit from the materialisation of those trends. 

Q2) What are included in Thematic Investing? 

Some core areas include: 

  • Environmentalism and environmental technology 
  • Changing demographics and technology 
  • Marijuana production 
  • Gaming 
  • Cyber security 
  • Artificial intelligence 
  • Robotics and automation 
  • Healthcare 
  • Nutrition 
  • Biotechnology 
  • Infrastructure 
  • Water distribution 
  • Scarce natural resources 
  • Luxury brands

Thematic Investing can be compared with other forms of investments. Thematic funds tends to cover a variety of sectors and chooses the company accordingly.  

Thematic investing allows to create a portfolio by gathering together a collection of companies involved in certain areas while generating market returns over the long term. It can be based on themes like sub sectors as robotics. 

Thematic investing is placing Robotics and AI at the top priority. It will be a high time that the investors should consider it and took a note of the immense opportunity ahead. Whereby AI is increasing and expanding robot capabilities in certain emerging areas.  

A subfield of machine learning, deep learning uses algorithms that strive to minimise the deep neural networks of the human brain. It’s a process that is helping to address one of the most difficult and necessary areas in robotics: machine vision. 

The current innovations in AI, simulators, and computing hardware is creating a massive wave of change. The scope is of faster AI that will rapidly accelerate the cognitive capabilities of robots. That change will expand their competence, grow the reach of their applications, and amplify their impact on every aspect of lives.

Q3) What are the Reasons to invest in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence? 

Reasons to invest in Robotics: 

  • Reduced operating costs 
  • Improved product quality 
  • Improved quality of work for employees 
  • Increased production output 
  • Reduced wastage 
  • Improved safety 
  • Reduced labour turnover and recruitment difficulty 
  • Reduced capital cost 
  • Save space 

 Following are the reasons to invest in Artificial Intelligence: 

  • Error Reduction 
  • Difficulty Exploration 
  • Daily Application 
  • Digital Assistants 
  • Repetitive Jobs 
  • Medical Applications 
  • No Breaks 

Mechatron Robotics is the pioneer & one of the top Institute for learning Coding, Robotics, IOT, Python, Electronics, Arduino, App Development

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